Artificial manures--Labelling--Cutting off dead flowers--Buying
plants--Tidiness in the garden, etc.
With far the larger half of our population =the question of cost= comes
into everything. There are so many claims on our purses, that the money
spent on recreations
can only be a small part; moreover, is always liable
to be drawn on at any moment. Somehow, the money laid out on a garden
always seems to be grudged, especially when it is for such things as
manure, so that if that item can be reduced, so much the better.
=A "WRINKLE."= One good way of buying it, is to get the boys who sweep the
roads to bring the contents of their cart to your garden instead of taking
it away. Quite a lot can be purchased for sixpence or so, and the mixture
is even more beneficial to some plants than the loads bought from the
contractor. When the neat little heaps are swept up at the roadside,
anyone may take it away. Householders can employ their own errand-boys to
do so, no charge being made whatever.
=Guano and artificial manures= in general are very stimulating, and must
only be given to plants in bud, or at all events full-growth. Sickly
plants or those at rest must never have it. =Soapsuds= form a mild
stimulant for rose-trees in summer, but these things do not come in place
of the manure with which the soil must be dressed in autumn; they are only
=LABELLING.= There has been much controversy over the labelling of plants;
it must be done very delicately, or the appearance of the garden is
spoilt; the word label usually presupposes a name to be written thereon,
but, in reality, =just a mark to show where a plant is=, often seems all
that is necessary, and this is very important indeed with plants which die
right down every winter. The most unobtrusive tallies must be used, and
they should be of zinc, or they will inevitably get lost. The wooden ones
are all right in the greenhouse, but no good at all outside. For
rose-trees, names are required, and =the "acme" labels are much the best=
ever invented for these, and have now been in use by all rosarians for
years; they can be had at Cant's Rose Nurseries, Colchester, for about 1s.
3d. a dozen, post paid.
=If we would keep plants in good health=, all dead flowers must be cut off
regularly; this is specially important in the case of sweet peas, pansies,
and other free-flowering plants, which become poor, and soon leave off
blossoming altogether, if allowed to form seed-pods. It is =a good plan=
to go round every morning with a basket and scissors, and snip off all
faded blooms, as, when several days elapse, the work becomes long and
=As regards buying plants=, this comes somewhat expensive, until a little
knowledge and experience has been gained. After a while, the different
plants are known by sight, and one is able to see directly whether a
flower or shrub is well grown and of good colour. Then, instead of
ordering everything at the large nurseries, one can often pick up, in
one's wanderings, very =good things at small cost=. Until that is the
case, it is wiser to order from some reliable firm who is sure to send out
everything true to name. People who go in for gardening, should always be
ready to learn; there are so many points which cannot be acquired all at
once. One can often gain a "wrinkle" if one keeps one's eyes open, as the
saying is. Constant visits should be made to Kew, Hampton Court, or any
other well-kept public garden, if at all within reach. A stroll round a
neighbour's garden, too, will often give one new ideas, and the
interchange of opinions does a deal of good. A magazine keeps up one's
interest wonderfully, and there are many specially published for amateurs.
One must not be surprised that the advice often seems contradictory. =The
right way of growing a plant is the way that succeeds=, and experience
shows how varied may be the means by which success is attained. I should
like here to warn my readers that before launching out into any great
expense, they first come to a full understanding as to what they will or
will not be able to take away. Greenhouses can be put up as =tenants'
fixtures=, but a very slight difference in the manner of placing them may
result in a good deal of unpleasantness with the landlord, and it is the
same with rose-trees, and other shrubs and plants. Where a shrub has
attained to goodly proportions, it is really the best way to let it
remain, even though the associations connected with it may be pleasant, as
transplanting would probably mean death, in which case neither party would
have gained anything. Of course, in the nature of things, a lover of
gardening is loth to move at all, a rolling stone is not at all in his
=Tidiness is most important in a small garden=, especially in the winter
time; plants may be allowed to get rampant in summer, but in the cold
weather, this wildness tends to make it look miserable. One sometimes sees
the brown, mildewed stalks of sunflowers and other tall plants, left on
right into December, even in a front garden, and it =gives such a deserted
look= to the place, that one longs to "have at them" there and then with a
knife. It is the same way with autumn leaves; in woods they look
beautiful, as they flutter down and make a rich, rustling carpet for our
feet, but, somehow, in the garden the beauty seems gone, and it is
generally the best plan to sweep them away as soon as possible into some
corner, where they can be left to turn into leaf mould. Of course there is
a certain beautiful freedom which is very desirable in a garden, and
which no one could call untidiness. What looks lovelier, for instance,
than the jasmine, with its long sprays hanging down over the window, or
the break made in a straight-edged path by some luxurious patch of thrift
or forget-me-not? these are only fascinating irregularities!
=Winter need not be a time for idleness=; it must be spent in getting
ready for the spring. Tools should be overhauled thoroughly, and new
supplies of sticks and labels prepared. Plans, too, should be made for
filling each different bed, so that when the warm days arrive, and one
scarcely knows what to be at first, everything may be in train.
The faculty of looking ahead must needs be used, if we wish to succeed. I
often think that =living in anticipation constitutes a great part of the
charm of gardening=. When sowing the seed, have we not bright visions of
the time when that self-same seed will bear most exquisite blossoms? When
pruning our rose trees, dreams of what they will become lend added
interest to our occupations, and, indeed, this quality of imagination
turns arduous work into a veritable labour of love, so that its devotees
always aver it is the most delightful recreation in the world.
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