=Mulching=--Term used for applying manure in a thick layer round the roots
of shrubs, as a protection from frost.
=Pricking off=--Transplanting seedlings into separate pots.
="Eyes"=--Incipient leaf-buds.
="Heel"=--The hardened part of a cutting, formed where it is joined to the
original plant.
=Annual=--Lasting one year.
=Biennial=--Lasting two
=Perennial=--Lasting several years.
=Herbaceous=--Term applied to plants which die down completely every
=Deciduous=--Not ever-green; this term is applied to trees the leaves of
which fall off every autumn.
=Suckers=--Shoots that spring up from the common stock, as distinct from
those which belong to the engrafted portion.
=Pegging down=--Bending branches down close to the ground, and securing
them with a peg.
=Runners=--Separate little plants, issuing from the parent, and ultimately
rooting for themselves.
=Spit=--A spade's depth.
="Strike"=--A term applied to cuttings making roots.
=Pinching out=--Rubbing off undesirable shoots.
="Blind"=--A term applied to plants which turn out flowerless.
=Heeling in=--The process of temporarily covering plants with soil, till
the weather is suitable for setting them out in their permanent quarters.
=Carpet-bedding=--The geometrical arrangement of plants.
Next: The General Arrangement Of The Garden
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