Primula (veris) elatior. Hardy perennial
A sowing in February or March in pans will produce strong specimens for
flowering in the following year. Or seed may be sown from May to July on
a shady border. Prick off the seedlings when large enough
to handle. The
plants should never flag for want of water, and green fly must be kept
down by syringing. Some good solution will be necessary against red
spider if through starvation in a dry situation it has been permitted to
gain a footing. All the varieties can be grown in a bed with a cool
shaded aspect. They do not require a rich soil; a strong and fibrous
loam with a little leaf-mould is sufficient. On passing out of flower
the plants will split up into several heads, when they may be separated
and potted singly. Exquisite colour effects can be created by planting
Polyanthus in association with beds of Tulips for flowering in April.
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