Asparagus officinalis
Asparagus is a liliaceous plant of perennial duration, and it demands
more generous treatment than the majority of Kitchen Garden crops. Under
favourable conditions it improves with age to such an extent as to
justify the best possible cultivation. Plantations that have
stood and
prospered for twenty or even thirty years are not uncommon, but a fair
average term is ten years, after which it is generally advisable to
break up a bed, the precaution being first taken to secure a succession
bed on fresh soil well prepared for the purpose. Plantations are made
either by sowing seeds or from transplanted roots; and although roots
are extremely sensitive when moved, success can, as a rule, be insured
by special care and prompt action, assuming that the proper time of year
is chosen for the operation. The advantage of using roots is the saving
of time, and in most gardens this is an important consideration.
Fortunately roots may be planted almost as safely when two or three
years old as at one year.
Soil.--Asparagus will grow in any soil that is well cultivated; a deep
rich sandy loam being especially suitable. Calcareous soil is by no
means unfavourable to Asparagus; still, a sand rich in humus is not the
less to be desired, as the finest samples of European growth are the
produce of the districts around Paris and Brussels. The London
Asparagus, which is prized by many for its full flavour and tenderness,
is for the most part grown near at hand, in deep alluvial soils enriched
with abundance of manure. Nature gives us the key to every secret that
concerns our happiness, and on the cultivation of Asparagus she is
liberal in her teaching. The plant is found growing wild on the sandy
coasts of the British Islands--a proof that it loves sand and salt.
Preparation of Ground.--The routine cultivation must begin with a
thorough preparation of the ground. Efficient drainage is imperative,
for stagnant water in the subsoil is fatal to the plant. But a rich loam
does not need the extravagant manuring that has been recommended and
practised. Deep digging and, where the subsoil is good, trenching may be
recommended, but an average manuring will suffice, because Asparagus can
be effectually aided by annual top-dressings, and proper surface culture
is of great importance in the subsequent stages. It is necessary to
choose an open spot for the plantation. Preparation of the ground
should commence in the autumn and be continued through the winter, a
heavy dressing of half-rotten stable manure being put on in the first
instance, and trenched in two feet deep. In the course of a month the
whole piece should be trenched back. If labour is at command a third
trenching may be done with advantage, and the surface may be left ridged
up until the time arrives to level it for seeding. It will be obvious
that this routine is of a somewhat costly character, but we are
supposing the plantation is to remain for many years, making an abundant
return for the first investment. Still we are bound to say that a
capital supply for a moderate table may be obtained by preparing a piece
of good ground in an open situation in a quite ordinary manner with one
deep digging in winter, adding at the time some six inches or so of fat
stable manure, and leaving it thus until the time arrives for sowing the
seed. Then it will be well to level down and point in, half a spade
deep, a thin coat of decayed manure to make a nice kindly seed-bed.
Where soil known to be unsuitable, such as a damp clay or pasty loam,
has to be prepared for Asparagus, it will be found an economical
practice to remove the top spit, which we will suppose to be turf or old
cultivated soil, and on the space so cleared make up a bed of the best
possible materials at command. Towards this mixture there is the top
spit just referred to. Add any available lime rubbish from destroyed
buildings, sand, peat, leaf-mould, surface soil raked from the rear of
the shrubberies, &c., and the result should be a good compost obtained
at an almost nominal cost.
Size of Bed, and Sowing Seed.--At this juncture several questions of
considerable importance arise. And first, whether the crop shall be
grown on the flat or in raised beds. Where the soil is sufficiently
deep, and the drainage perfect, the flat system answers well. The
advantages of raised beds are that they deepen the soil, assist the
drainage, promote warmth, and thus aid the growth of an early crop. In
fact, raised beds render it possible to grow Asparagus on soils from
which this vegetable could not otherwise be obtained. The preparation is
the same in either case, and therefore we shall make no further allusion
to flat beds, but leave those to adopt them who find their soil and
requirements suitable. Now comes the question of distance, on which
depends the width of the beds. The first point may be settled by the
measure of the plant, and the second by the measure of the man. Monster
sticks are valued at some tables, and we shall refer to these later on,
but an abundant crop of handsome, though not abnormal, Asparagus meets
the requirements of most households. After many experiments, we have
come to the conclusion that the best mode of insuring a full return of
really good sticks, with the least amount of labour, is to lay out the
land in three-feet beds, with two-feet alleys between. In some
instances, no doubt, five-feet beds, containing three rows of roots, one
down the middle and one on each side at a distance of eighteen inches,
are preferable. For the majority of gardens, however, the three-feet bed
is a distinct advantage, were it only for the fact that all excuse for
putting a foot on the bed is avoided. On this narrow bed only two rows
of plants will be necessary. Put down the line at nine inches from the
edge on both sides, and at intervals of fifteen inches in the rows
dibble holes two inches deep, dropping two or three seeds in each. This
will give a distance between the rows of eighteen inches. In very strong
land, heavily manured, the holes may be eighteen inches apart instead of
fifteen. April is the right month for sowing.
Thinning.--When the 'grass' from seeds has grown about six inches
high, only the strongest plant must be left at each station, and they
should finally stand at a distance of fifteen or eighteen inches in the
row. Much of the injury reported to follow from close planting has been
the result of carelessness in thinning. The young plant is such a
slender, delicate thing, that, to the thoughtless operator, it seems
folly to thin down to one only. The consequence is that two or three, or
perhaps half a dozen, plants are left at each station to 'fight it out,'
and these become so intermixed as to appear to be one, though really
many, and of course amongst them they produce more shoots than can be
fed properly by the limited range of their roots. Severe, or may we say
mathematical, thinning is a sine qua non, and it requires sharp eyes
and careful fingers; but it must be done if the Asparagus beds are to
become, as they should be, the pride of the Kitchen Garden.
Blanching.--The grave question of white versus green Asparagus we
cannot entertain, except so far as concerns the cultivator only. On the
point of taste, therefore, we say nothing; and it is a mere matter of
management whether the sticks are blanched to the very tip, or allowed
to become green for some few inches. Blanching is effected in various
ways. The heaping up of soft soil, such as leaf-mould, will accomplish
it. On the Continent many contrivances are resorted to, such as covering
the heads with wooden or earthen pipes. In a few districts in France
champagne-bottles with the bottoms cut away are employed. But a strong
growth being secured, the cultivator will find it an easy matter to
regulate the degree of colour according to the requirements of the table
he has to serve. As a rule, a moderately stout growth, with a fair show
of purple colour, is everywhere appreciated, and is the easiest to
produce, because the most natural.
There is, however, an interesting point in connection with the
production of green Asparagus, and it is that if wintry weather prevails
when the heads are rising (as unfortunately is often the case) the
tender green tops may be melted by frost and become worthless, or may be
rendered so tough as to place the quality below that of blanched
Asparagus; for the blanching is also a protective process, and quickly
grown white Asparagus is often more tender and tasty than that which is
green, but has been grown slowly. As the season advances and the heads
rise rapidly the green Asparagus acquires its proper flavour and
tenderness, and thus practical considerations should more or less
influence final decisions on matters of taste. The business of the
cultivator is to produce the kind of growth that is required, whether
white or green, or of a quality intermediate between the two. This is
easily done, making allowance for conditions. When green Asparagus is
alone in demand, the cultivator may be advised to have in readiness, as
the heads are making their first show, a sufficient supply of some rough
and cheap protecting material, such as grass and coarse weeds, cut with
a sickle from odd corners of the shrubbery and meadow land, or clean hay
and straw perfectly free from mildew; but for obvious reasons stable
litter should not be used. A very light sprinkling of material over an
Asparagus bed that is making a first show of produce will ward off the
morning frosts, and amply compensate for the little trouble in saving
many tender green sticks that the frosts would melt to a jelly and
render worthless. After the second or third week in May the litter may
be removed if needful; but if appearances are of secondary importance,
it may be left to shrink away on the spot.
Cutting.--Asparagus as supplied by market growers is needlessly long
in the stem. The bundles have an imposing appearance, no doubt, but the
useless length adds nothing to the comfort of those at table, and is a
wasteful tax on the energy of the plant. For home consumption it will
generally suffice if the white portion is about four inches long, and
this determines the depth at which the sticks should be cut. Here it may
be useful to remark that deeply buried roots do not thrive so well as
those which are nearer the surface, nor do they produce such early
crops. The sticks are usually cut by thrusting down a stiff
narrow-pointed knife, or specially made saw, close to each shoot; and it
is necessary to do this with judgment, or adjacent shoots, which are not
sufficiently advanced to reveal their presence by lifting the soil, may
be damaged. To avoid this risk of injury by the knife it is possible
from some beds to obtain the sticks without the aid of any implement by
a twist and pull combined, but the process needs a dexterous hand and is
impracticable in tenacious soils. The sticks of a handsome sample will
be white four or five inches of their length; the tops close, plump, of
a purplish-green colour, and the colour extending two or at most three
inches down the stems. Both size and degree of colouring are, however,
so entirely questions of taste that no definite rule can be stated. It
is more to the purpose to say that, if liberally grown, the plant may be
cut from in the third year; and that cutting should cease about the
middle of June, or early in July, according to the district. For the
good of the plant the sooner cutting ceases the better, as the next
year's buds have to be formed in the roots by the aid of the top-growth
of the current season.
Weeding and Staking.--Two other points relating to the general
management are worthy of attention. Some crops get on fairly well when
neglected and crowded with weeds. Not so with Asparagus. The plant
appears to have been designed to enjoy life in solitude, being unfit for
competition; and if weeds make way in an Asparagus bed, the cultivator
will pay a heavy penalty for his neglect of duty. The limitation of the
beds to a width of three feet, therefore, is of consequence, because it
facilitates weeding without putting a foot on them. The other point
arises out of the necessity of affording support to the frail plant in
places where it may happen to be exposed to wind. When Asparagus in high
summer is rudely shaken, the stems snap off at the base, and the roots
lose the service of the top-growth in maturing buds for the next season.
To prevent this injury is easy enough, but the precautions must be
adopted in good time. A free use of light, feathery stakes, such as are
employed for the support of Peas, thrust in firmly all over the bed,
will insure all needful support when gales are blowing. In the absence
of pea-sticks, stout stakes, placed at suitable distances and connected
with lengths of thick tarred twine, will answer equally well. In
sheltered gardens the protection of the young growth with litter, and of
the mature growth with stakes, need not be resorted to, but in exposed
situations these precautions should not be neglected.
Manuring Permanent Beds.--The management of Asparagus includes a
careful clean-up of the beds in autumn. The plants should not be cut
down until they change colour; then all the top-growth may be cleared
away and the surface raked clean. Give the beds a liberal dressing of
half-decayed manure, and carefully touch up the sides to make them neat
and tidy. It is usual at the same time to dig and manure the alleys, but
this practice we object to in toto, because it tends directly to the
production of lean sticks where fat ones are possible; for the roots run
freely in the alleys, and to dig is to destroy them. In the spring clear
the beds of the autumn dressing by raking any remnant of manure into the
alleys, and the beds and the alleys should then be carefully pricked
over with a fork two or three inches deep only, and with great care not
to wound any roots.
The application of salt requires judgment. For a time it renders the bed
cold, and when followed by snow the two combine to make a freezing
mixture which arrests the growth of established plants. On a newly made
bed salt is unnecessary, and may prove destructive to the roots. The
proper time for applying salt must be determined by the district and the
character of the season; but in no case should the mineral be used until
active growth has commenced, although it is not needful to wait until
the growth is visible above the surface. In the southern counties a
suitable opportunity may generally be found from the beginning to the
middle of April. Second and third dressings may follow at intervals of
three weeks, which not only stimulate the roots but keep down weeds.
Planting Roots.--In many gardens where there is space for two or three
beds only there will be the very natural desire to secure Asparagus in a
shorter time than is possible from seed, and we therefore proceed to
indicate the best method of planting roots. Asparagus roots do not take
kindly to removal, especially old and established plants. The mere
drying of the roots by exposure to the atmosphere is distinctly
injurious to them. They will travel safely a long distance when well
packed, but the critical time is between the unpacking and getting them
safely into their final home. Everything should be made ready for the
transfer before the package is opened, and the actual task of planting
should be accomplished in the shortest time possible.
A three-feet bed should be prepared by taking out the soil in such a
manner as to leave two ridges for the roots. The space between ridges to
be eighteen inches, and the tops of the ridges to be so far below the
level of the bed that when the soil is returned, and the bed made to
its normal level, the crowns will be about five inches beneath the
surface. This may be understood from the following illustration of a
section cut across the bed.
A, A represent the alleys between the beds, and B the top of one bed.
The dotted lines show the ridges on which the roots are to rest at C, C.
When the bed is ready, open the package and place the Asparagus on the
ridges at fifteen or eighteen inches apart, allowing about half the
roots of each plant to fall down on either side of the ridge. As a rule
it will be wise to have two pairs of hands engaged in the task. The soil
should be filled in expeditiously, and a finishing touch be given to the
bed. Very rarely will it be safe to transplant Asparagus until the end
of March or beginning of April, for although established roots will pass
unharmed through a very severe winter, those which have recently been
removed are often killed outright by a lengthened period of cold wet
weather, and especially by thawed snow followed by frost.
Giant Asparagus.--Some of the most critical judges of Asparagus in the
country are extremely partial to giant sticks. Their preference is not
based on mere superiority in size, but on the special flavour which is
the peculiar merit of these extra-large Asparagus when they are properly
grown. Although there is no difficulty whatever in producing them, it
must be admitted that to insure specimens weighing nearly or quite half
a pound, plenty of space must be allowed for the full development of
each plant and a prodigal use of manure is imperative. Where drainage is
effectual, the soil of any well-tilled garden can be made suitable. The
roots may be grown in clumps or in rows. Clumps are planted in
triangular form, two feet being allowed between the three plants of each
group, with a distance of five feet between the groups. The more usual
method, however, is to plant in rows. In both cases the cultural details
are almost identical, and to obtain the finest results it is wise to get
the preparatory work done at convenient times in advance of the planting
season. Assuming that rows are decided on, commence operations by
digging a broad deep trench, throwing out the soil to the right and left
to form sloping sides until there is a perpendicular depth of
twenty-seven inches from the top of the ridge. About one foot of
prepared soil should be placed in the bottom of the trench. This may be
composed of such material as the trimmings of hedges, sweepings of
shrubberies, twigs from a faggot pile, wood ashes and leaf-mould. The
constituents must to some extent depend on the materials at command.
What is wanted is a light compost, consisting almost wholly of vegetable
matter in a more or less advanced state of decomposition. Add three or
four inches of rich loam, and on this, at the beginning of April, plant
strong one-year roots of a robust-growing variety. Between the plants it
is customary to allow a space of at least two feet, and some growers put
them a full yard apart. Cover the crowns with three inches of rich soil,
previously mixed with manure and laid up for the purpose. The second and
following rows are to be treated in the same way, and the work must be
so managed that an equal distance of four and a half or five feet is
left between the rows. When the foliage dies down in autumn, a layer of
fertile loam mixed with rotten manure should be spread over the surface.
In the succeeding spring remove just the top crust of soil and give a
thick dressing of decayed manure alone, upon which the soil can be
restored. During the autumn of the second year the furrow must be filled
with horse manure for the winter. Remove this manure in March, and
substitute good loam containing a liberal admixture of decayed manure
previously incorporated with the soil. The slight ridges that remain can
then be levelled down. By this treatment large handsome sticks of
Asparagus may be cut in the third year. To maintain the plants in a high
state of efficiency, it must be clearly understood that forcing with
horse manure will be necessary every subsequent year. Blanching may be
carried out by any of the usual methods, and Sea Kale pots are both
convenient and effectual. Not a weed should be visible on the beds at
any time.
Forcing is variously practised, and the best possible system,
doubtless, is to force in the beds, and thereby train the plants to
their work so that they become used to it. The growers who supply Paris
with forced Asparagus produce the white sample in the beds, and the
green by removal of the roots to frames. Forcing in beds may be
accomplished by means of trenches filled with fermenting material or by
hot-water pipes, the beds in either case being covered with frames.
Where the demand for forced Asparagus is constant, there can be no doubt
the hot-water system is the cheapest as well as the cleanest and most
reliable; for a casual supply forcing in frames answers very well, but
it is attended with the disadvantage that when the crop has been secured
the roots are worthless. The practice of forcing may be said to commence
with the formation of the seed-bed, for if it is to be carried on in a
systematic and profitable manner, every detail must be provided for in
the original arrangements. The width of the beds and of the alleys, and
the disposition of the plants, will have to be carefully considered, so
as to insure the best results of a costly procedure, and it will be
waste of time to begin forcing until the plants have attained their
fourth year. The rough method of market growers consists in the
employment of hot manure in trenches, and also on the beds, after the
frames are put on. The beds are usually four feet wide, the alleys two
feet wide and twenty inches deep, and the plants not more than nine
inches apart in the row, there being three or four rows of plants in the
bed. The frames are put on when forcing commences, but the lights are
withheld until the shoots begin to appear. Then the fermenting material
is removed from the beds, the lights are put on, and no air is given,
mats being added in cold weather, both to retain warmth and promote
blanching. This method produces a fair market sample, but a much better
growth may be obtained by a good hot-water system, as will be understood
from a momentary consideration of details. By the employment of
fermenting material the temperature runs up rapidly, sometimes
extravagantly, so that it is no uncommon event for the growth to
commence at 70 deg. to 80 deg. Fahr., which may produce a handsome sample, but
it will be flavourless. The hot-water system allows of perfect control,
and the prudent grower will begin at 50 deg., rise slowly to 60 deg., and take
care not to exceed 65 deg.; the result will be a sample full of flavour,
with a finer appearance than the best obtainable by the rougher method.
Forcing in frames is systematically practised in many gardens, and as it
exhausts the roots there must be a corresponding production of roots for
the purpose. The first requisite is a good lasting hot-bed, covered with
about four inches of light soil of any kind, but preferably leaf-mould.
The roots are carefully lifted and planted as closely as possible on
this bed, and covered with fine soil to a depth of six inches. The
sashes are then put on and kept close; but a little air may be given as
the heads rise, to promote colour and flavour. The heat will generally
run to 70 deg., and that figure should be the maximum allowed. Experienced
growers prefer to force at 60 deg. or 65 deg., and to take a little more time
for the advantage of a finer sample.
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