Cucumis Melo
The popularity of this cool and delicious fruit has in recent years been
greatly enhanced by increased knowledge as to the best method of
treating the plant, and also by the introduction of several varieties
which are attractive in form and superb
in flavour. It would shock a
modern Melon eater to be advised to cook a Melon, and flavour it with
vinegar and salt, as in the early days of English gardening. A good
Melon of the present day does not even need the addition of sugar; the
beauty, aroma, and flavour are such that it is not unusual for the
epicure to push the luscious Pine aside in order to enjoy this cool,
fresh, gratifying fruit that delights without cloying the palate. The
newer varieties are remarkable alike for fruitfulness and high quality,
and are somewhat hardier than the favourites of years gone by.
The Melon is grown in much the same way as the Cucumber, but it differs
in requiring a firmer soil, a higher temperature, a much stronger light,
less water, and more air. It may be said that no man should attempt to
grow Melons until he has had some experience in growing Cucumbers. As
regards this point, the hard and fast line is useless, but
Cucumber-growing is certainly a good practical preparative for the
higher walk wherein the Melon is found. But Cucumbers are grown
advantageously all the winter through; Melons are not. The former are
eaten green, and the latter are eaten ripe; this makes all the
difference. Melons that are ripened between October and May are seldom
worth the trouble bestowed upon them; therefore we shall say nothing
about growing Melons in winter.
The Frame Culture may with advantage begin about the middle of March
by the preparation of a good hot-bed. It is best to use a three-light
frame, as the heat will be more constant than with one of smaller size.
There should be six loads of stuff laid up for the bed, and the turning
should be sufficient to take out the fire, without materially reducing
the fermenting power. Begin a fortnight in advance of making up the bed,
and be careful at every stage to do things well, as advised for the
cultivation of frame Cucumbers. The best soil for Melons is a firm,
turfy loam, nine inches of which should be placed on top of the manure.
In a clay district, a certain amount of clay, disintegrated by frost,
may be chopped over with turfy loam from an old pasture. If the soil is
poor, decayed manure should be added, but the best possible Melons may
be grown in a fertile loam without the aid of manures or stimulants of
any kind. It is good practice to raise the plants in pots, and have them
strong enough to plant out as soon as the newly-made beds have settled
down to a steady temperature of about 80 deg., but below 70 deg. will be unsafe.
If plants cannot be prepared in advance, seed must be sown on the bed,
and as a precaution against accidents and to permit of the removal of
those which show any sign of weakness, a sufficient number of seeds
should be sown to provide for contingencies.
As regards the bed, it may be made once and for all at the time of
planting, a few days being allowed for warming the soil through. But we
much prefer to begin with smallish hillocks, or with a thin sharp ridge
raised so as almost to touch the lights, and to plant or sow on this
ridge, which can be added to from time to time as the plants require
more root room. The soil, coming fresh and fresh, sustains a vigorous
and healthy root action. The high ridge favours the production of stout
leaves, and the absorption by the soil of sun-heat is to the Melon of
the first importance.
The practice of pruning Melons as if the plants were grown for fodder,
and might be chopped at for supplies of herbage, must be heartily
condemned. Melons should never be so crowded as to necessitate cutting
out, except in a quite trivial manner. A free and vigorous plant is
needed, and under skilful attention it will rarely happen that there is
a single leaf anywhere that can be spared. We will propose a practical
rule that we have followed in growing Melons for seed, of which a large
crop of the most perfect fruits is absolutely needful to insure a fair
return. The young plants are pinched when there are two rough leaves.
The result is two side shoots. These are allowed to produce six or seven
leaves, and are then pinched. After this, the plants are permitted to
run, and there is no more pinching or pruning until the crop is visible.
Then the fruits that are to remain must be selected, and the shoots be
pinched to one eye above each fruit, and only one fruit should remain on
a shoot; the others must be removed a few at a time. All overgrowth must
be guarded against, for crowded plants will be comparatively worthless.
It is not by rudely cutting out that crowding is to be prevented, but by
timely pinching out every shoot that is likely to prove superfluous.
From first to last there must be a regular plant, and not a shoot should
be allowed to grow that is not wanted. Cutting out may produce canker,
and crowding results in sterility.
As the Melon is required to ripen its fruits, and the Cucumber is not,
the treatment varies in view of this difference. It is not necessary to
fertilise the female flowers of the Cucumber, but it is certainly
desirable, if not absolutely necessary, to operate on those of the Melon
to insure a crop. The early morning, when the leaves are dry and the sun
is shining, is the proper time for this task, which is described in a
later paragraph. And the necessity for ripening the crop marks another
difference of management, for Cucumbers may carry many fruits, and
continue producing them until the plants are exhausted. But the
production of Melons must be limited to about half a dozen on each
plant, and good management requires that these should all ripen at the
same time, or nearly so, fully exposed to the sun, and with plenty of
The requisite supply of water is an important matter. The plant should
never be dry at the root, and must have a light shower twice a day over
the leafage, but the moisture which is necessary for Cucumbers would be
excessive for Melons. It is a golden rule to grow Melons liberally,
keeping them sturdy by judicious air-giving, and to give them a little
extra watering just as they are coming into flower. Then, as the flowers
open, the watering at the root should be discontinued, and the syringe
should be used in the evening only at shutting up. If discontinued
entirely, red spider will appear, and the crop will be in jeopardy, for
that pest can be kept at a distance only by careful regulation of
atmospheric moisture.
Melons in frames do better spread out on the beds than when trained on
trellises. When so grown, each fruit must be supported with a flat tile
or an inverted flower-pot, and means must be taken, by pegs or
otherwise, to prevent it from rolling off, for the twist of stem that
ensues may check the fruit or cause it to fall. When the fruits are as
large as the top joint of a man's thumb, watering may be resumed, and
the syringe used twice a day until the fruit begins to change colour,
when there must be a return to the dry system, but with care to avoid
carrying it to a dangerous extreme.
The Melon-house, heated by hot water, is adapted to supply fruit
earlier than is obtainable by frame culture, and is entirely superior to
any frame or pit. It appears, however, that in Melon-houses red spider
is more frequently seen than in frames heated by fermenting material;
but this point rests on management, and there can be nothing more
certain than that a reasonable employment of atmospheric humidity may be
made effectual for preventing and removing this pest. For the convenient
cultivation of the crop a lean-to or half-span is to be preferred. The
width should not exceed twelve feet, and ten to twelve feet should be
the utmost height of the roof. A service of pipes under the bed will be
required; but as Melons are not grown in winter, the heating of a
Melon-house is a simple affair, and, indeed, very much of the
cultivation as the summer advances will be carried on by the aid of
sun-heat only. The treatment of the plants in a house differs from the
frame management, because a trellis is employed, and the plants are
taken up the trellis without stopping until they nearly reach the top,
when the points are pinched out to promote the growth of side shoots. In
setting the fruit, the same principles prevail as in frame culture, and
it is advisable to 'set' the whole crop at once; if two or three fruits
obtain a good start, others that are set later will drop off. As the
fruits swell, support must be afforded to prevent any undue strain on
the vine, and this should be accomplished by nets specially made for the
purpose, or by suspending small flat boards of half-inch deal with
copper wires, each fruit resting on its board, until the cracking round
the stem gives warning that the fruit should be cut and placed in the
fruit room for a few days to complete the ripening for the table. In
houses of the kind described Melons and Cucumbers are occasionally grown
together. But although this may be done, and there are many cultivators
expert in the business, the practice cannot be recommended, for ships
that sail near the wind will come to grief some day. The moisture and
partial shade that suit the Cucumber do not suit the Melon, and it is a
poor compromise to make one end of the house shady and moist, and the
other end sunny and dry, to establish different conditions with one
atmosphere. A glass partition pretty well disposes of the difficulty,
because it is then possible to insure two atmospheres suitable for two
different operations. (See also pages 157, 175, and 184.)
The Pollination of Melons is performed by plucking the mature male
blooms, and after the removal of the petals, transferring the pollen of
the male flower to the stigma of the female flower.
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