Callistephus sinensis. Half-hardy annual
In high summer so many flowers are available that no difficulty arises
in making a varied display. The real trouble is in discarding,
especially for a limited area. But when summer begins to merge into
autumn the choice is not
so extensive, and among the annuals which then
adorn the garden Asters are indispensable. This superb flower has been
developed into many forms, and each class affords a wide range of
magnificent colours. Yet it must be admitted that in the majority of
gardens Asters are seldom grown in sufficient numbers, and it is not
unusual to find the flowers small in size and poor in colour. In many
cases we believe the reason to be that the culture of Asters is often
commenced too late. Preparations should therefore be made in good time,
and apart from providing the requisite number of plants for filling beds
and borders, and for supplying cut blooms, others should be raised for
flowering in pots. For indoor decoration full use is rarely ever made of
Asters, although the colours include many delightful shades which may
be employed with most telling effect.
To secure a long-continued display of bloom there must be several
sowings, and the earliest will need the aid of artificial heat. One
secret of successful culture is to give no check to the plant from its
first appearance until the time of flowering; and a suitable bed must be
prepared, whether the seed be sown on the spot or plants are transferred
from other quarters.
Asters do not readily accommodate themselves to violent alternations of
heat and cold, particularly in the early stage of growth, and therefore
the most sheltered position in the garden should be chosen for them; but
avoid a hedge or shrubbery, where strong growing trees rob the soil of
its virtue. Begin the preparation of beds during the previous autumn by
deep digging, and incorporate a liberal dressing of well-rotted manure
as the work proceeds. On light and shallow soils it will do more harm
than good to bring the raw subsoil to the surface, but the subsoil may
with advantage be stirred and loosened by the fork, and if a little
loamy clay can be worked into it the land will be permanently benefited.
A very stiff soil will, however, present greater difficulties; but if by
free working it can be made sufficiently friable, Asters will revel in
it, and produce flowers of a size and colour that will reward the
cultivator for all his trouble. Throw the ground up roughly in October.
The more it is exposed to the action of wind, snow and frost, the more
thoroughly will the winter disintegrate its particles and render it
fertile. Early in spring give another digging, and then work in a good
supply of decayed manure, together with grit, charcoal, wood ashes, or
other material that will help to render the soil rich and free. Aim at
inducing the roots to go down deep for supplies--there will then be a
cool moist bottom even in dry weather, and these conditions will do much
toward the production of fine stocky plants capable of carrying an
imposing display of flowers.
For sowings from the end of March to the middle of April prepare a
compost consisting principally of decayed leaf-mould, with sufficient
loam to render it firm, and sharp sand to secure drainage. Either pots
or seed-pans may be used. Place these in a cool greenhouse, or in a
Cucumber or Melon pit, or even on a half-spent hot-bed. Sow thinly; a
thick sowing is very likely to damp off. Just hide the seed with finely
sifted soil, and place sheets of glass at the top to prevent rapid
evaporation. Give no water unless the soil becomes decidedly dry, and
then it is better to immerse the pot or pan for half an hour than to
apply water on the surface. When the plants attain the third leaf they
can be pricked off into shallow boxes or round the edges of 3-1/2 inch
pots. From these they either may have another shift singly into small
pots, or may be transferred direct to blooming quarters. A high
temperature is not requisite at any stage of growth, indeed it is
distinctly injurious. From 55 deg. to 65 deg. is the extreme range, and the
happy medium should, if possible, be maintained. Give air on every
suitable occasion, and as the time for transferring to the open ground
approaches, endeavour to approximate nearly to the outside temperature.
The plants will then scarcely feel the removal.
Another and simpler proceeding produces fairly good results, and we
describe it for the benefit of those whose resources may be small, or
who do not care to adopt the more troublesome method. In some spot
shaded from the sun make a heap of stable manure, rather larger than the
light to be placed upon it. Level the top, and cover with four or five
inches of rich soil. Place a frame upon it with the light a trifle open.
When the thermometer indicates 60 deg., draw drills at six inches apart; sow
the seed, and cover with a little sifted soil. The light had better not
be quite closed, in case of a rise of temperature. As the plants thrive,
gradually give more air, until, in April, the showers may be allowed to
fall directly upon them in the daytime. When the Asters are about three
inches high they will be quite ready for the open ground, and a showery
day is favourable to the transfer. After the bed has served its purpose,
the manure will be in capital condition for enriching the garden.
In the event of there being no frame to spare, drive a stake into each
corner of the bed. Connect the tops of the stakes, about one foot from
the surface of the bed, with four rods securely tied, and upon these
place other rods, over and around which any protecting material at
command may be used. With this simple contrivance it is quite possible
to grow Asters in a satisfactory manner.
The finest Asters are frequently grown in the open air, entirely without
the aid of artificial heat, and indeed without any special horticultural
appliances. Those who possess the best possible resources will find
additional advantage in resorting also to this mode of culture. It gives
another string to the bow, and prolongs the season of flowering. For
open-air sowings in April make the soil level and fine, and about the
middle of that month draw drills three inches deep. In these place an
inch of finely prepared rich soil, and if it is largely mixed with
vegetable ashes, so much the better. The distance between the drills
should be regulated by the variety. For tall-growing Asters twelve to
fifteen inches between the rows will not be too much. Ten inches will
suffice for the dwarfs. Sow the seed thinly and evenly, and cover
carefully with fine soil. Commence early to thin the plants, always
leaving the strongest, and arrange that they finally stand at from eight
to fifteen inches apart according to the sort.
Keep the ground clean, and before the flowering stage is reached gently
stir the surface, but not deep enough to injure the roots. An occasional
application of weak manure water will be advantageous, but it must not
be allowed to touch the foliage.
For tall varieties it may be needful to provide support. If so, place a
neat stick on that side of the plant towards which it leans, as this
takes the strain off the tying material, and saves the plant from being
cut or half-strangled. In a dry season, and especially on light soils,
there must be a bountiful supply of soft water, alternated every few
days with the manure water already alluded to. Evening is the best time
to apply it.
For show purposes rather more room is required than we have stated. Only
about five buds should be matured by each plant, and these, of course,
the finest. To prepare flowers for exhibition is in itself an art, and
each cultivator must be guided by his own resources and experience.
Asters in pots make excellent decorative subjects. It is only necessary
to lift them carefully from the borders with balls of earth surrounding
the roots, and pot them just before the buds expand, or they may be
potted up while in full flower without flagging.
The plants are liable to the attacks of aphis, both green and black.
While under glass the pests can be destroyed by fumigation; but in the
open a solution of some good insecticide may be administered with the
syringe at intervals of about three days, until a clearance is effected.
Other foes are the various grubs which attack plants at the collar. On
the first sign of failing vigour, gently remove with a pointed stick the
soil around the plant, and in doing this avoid any needless disturbance
of the roots. Do not be satisfied until the enemy is destroyed.
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