This is a subject worthy the attention of those who aim at the largest
possible production and the highest possible quality of every kind of
kitchen-garden crop, for it concerns the natural relations of the plant
and the soil as to their several
chemical constituents. The principle
may be illustrated by considering the demands of two of the most common
kitchen-garden crops. If we submit a Cabbage to the destructive agency
of fire, and analyse the ashes that remain, we shall find in them, in
round numbers, eight per cent. of sulphuric acid, sixteen per cent. of
phosphoric acid, four per cent. of soda, forty-eight per cent. of
potash, and fifteen per cent. of lime. It is evident that we cannot
expect to grow a Cabbage on a soil which is destitute of these
ingredients, to say nothing of others. The obnoxious odour of sulphur
emitted by decaying Cabbages might indicate, to anyone accustomed to
reflect on ordinary occurrences, that sulphur is an important
constituent of Cabbage. If we submit a Potato tuber to a similar
process, the result will be to find in the ashes fifty-nine per cent. of
potash, two per cent. of soda, six per cent. of sulphuric acid, nineteen
per cent. of phosphoric acid, and two per cent. of lime. The lesson for
the cultivator is, that to prepare a soil for Cabbage it is of the
utmost importance to employ a manure containing sulphates, phosphates,
and potash salts in considerable quantity; as for the lime, that can be
supplied separately, but the Cabbage must have it. On the other hand, to
prepare a soil for Potatoes it is necessary to employ a manure strongly
charged with salts of potash and phosphates, but it need not be highly
charged with soda or lime, for we find but a small proportion of these
ingredients in the Potato. There are soils so naturally rich in all
that crops require, that they may be tilled for years without the aid
of manures, and will not cease to yield an abundant return. But such
soils are exceptional, and those that need constant manuring are the
rule. One point more, ere we proceed to apply to practice these
elementary considerations. In almost every soil, whether strong clay,
mellow loam, poor sand, or even chalk, there are comminglings of all the
minerals required by plants, and, indeed, if there were not, we should
see no herbage on the downs, and no Ivies climbing, as they do, to the
topmost heights of limestone rocks. But usually a considerable
proportion of those mineral constituents on which plants feed are locked
up in the staple, and are only dissolved out slowly as the rain, the
dew, the ever-moving air, and the sunshine operate upon them and make
them available. As the rock slowly yields up its phosphates, alkalies
and silica to the wild vegetation that runs riot upon it, so the
cultivated field (which is but rock in a state of decay) yields up its
phosphates, alkalies and silica for the service of plants the more
quickly because it is the practice of the cultivator to stir the soil
and continually expose fresh surfaces to the transforming power of the
atmosphere. It has been said that the air we breathe is a powerful
manure. So it is, but not in the sense that is applicable to stable
manure or guano. The air may and does afford to plants much of their
food, but it can only help them to the minerals they require by
dissolving these out of pebbles, flints, nodules of chalk, sandstone,
and other substances in the soil which contain them in what may be
termed a locked-up condition. Every fresh exposure of the soil to the
air, and especially to frost and snow, is as the opening of a new mine
of fertilisers for the service of those plants on which man depends for
his subsistence.
The application to practice of these considerations is an extremely
simple matter in the first instance, but it may become very complicated
if followed far enough. Here we can only touch the surface of the
subject, yet we hope to do so usefully. Suppose, then, that we grow
Cabbage, or Cauliflower, or Broccoli, on the same plot of ground, one
crop following the other for a long series of years, and never refresh
the soil with manure, it must be evident that we shall, some day or
other, find the crop fail through the exhaustion of the soil of its
available sulphur, phosphates, lime, or potash. But if this soil were
allowed to lie fallow for some time, it would again produce a crop of
Cabbage, owing to the liberation of mineral matters which, when the
crops were failing, were not released fast enough, but which, during the
rest allowed to the soil, accumulated sufficiently to sustain a crop.
Obviously this mode of procedure is unprofitable and tends of necessity
to exhaustion, although it must be confessed that utter exhaustion of
any soil is a thing at present almost unknown. But, instead of following
a practice which impoverishes, let us enrich the soil with manure, and
change the crops on the same plot, so that when one crop has largely
taxed it for one class of minerals, a different crop is grown which will
tax it for another class of minerals. Take for a moment's consideration
one of the necessary constituents of a fertile soil, common salt
(chloride of sodium). In the ash of a Cabbage there is about six per
cent. of this mineral, in the Turnip about ten per cent., in the Potato
two to three per cent., in the Beet eighteen to twenty per cent. On the
other hand the Beet contains very little sulphur, but both Turnip and
Beet agree in being strongly charged with potash and soda. It follows
that if we crop a piece of ground with Cabbage, and wish to avoid the
failure that may occur if we continue to crop with Cabbage, we may
expect to do well by giving the ground a dressing of common salt and
potash salts, and then crop it with Beet.
The whole subject is not exhausted by this mode of viewing it, for all
the facts are not yet fully understood by the ablest of our chemists and
physiologists, and crops differ in their methods of seeking nourishment.
We might find two distinct plants nearly agreeing in chemical
constitution, and yet one might fail where the other would succeed.
Suppose, for instance, we have grown Cabbage and other surface-rooting
crops until the soil begins to fail, even then we might obtain from it a
good crop of Parsnips or Carrots, for the simple reason that these send
their roots down to a stratum that the Cabbage never reached; and it is
most instructive to bear in mind that although the Parsnip will grow on
poor land, and pay on land that has been badly tilled for years, yet the
ashes of the Parsnip contain thirty-six per cent. of potash, eleven per
cent. of lime, eighteen per cent. of phosphoric acid, six per cent. of
sulphuric acid, three per cent. of phosphate of iron, and five per cent.
of common salt. How does the Parsnip obtain its mineral food in a soil
which for other crops appears to be exhausted? Simply by pushing down
for it into a mine that has hitherto been but little worked, though
Cabbage might fail on the same plot because the superficial stratum has
been overtaxed.
Having attempted a general, we now proceed to a particular application.
In the first place, good land, well tilled and abundantly manured,
cannot be soon exhausted; but even in this case a rotation of crops is
advisable. It is less easy to say why than to insist that in practice we
find it to be so. The question then arises--What is a rotation of crops?
It is the ordering of a succession in such a manner that the crops will
tax the soil for mineral aliments in a different manner. A good rotation
will include both chemical and mechanical differences, and place
tap-roots in a course between surface roots, as, for example, Carrot,
Parsnip, and Beet, after Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Broccoli; and light,
quick surface crops, such as Spinach, to serve as substitutes for
fallows. The cropping of the kitchen garden should be, as far as
possible, so ordered that plants of the same natural families never
immediately succeed one another; and, above all things, it is important
to shift from place to place, year after year, the Cabbages and the
Potatoes, because these are the most exhaustive crops we grow. In a ton
of Potatoes there are about twelve pounds of potash, four pounds of
sulphuric acid, four pounds of phosphoric acid, and one pound of
magnesia. We may replace these substances by abundant manuring, and we
are bound to say that the best rotation will not obviate the necessity
for manuring; but even then it is well to crop the plot with Peas,
Spinach, Lettuce, and other plants that occupy it for a comparatively
brief space of time, and necessitate much digging and stirring; for
these mechanical agencies combine with the manure in preparing the plot
to grow Potatoes again much better than if the land were kept to this
crop only from year to year. If we could mark out a plot of ground into
four parts, we should devote one plot to permanent crops--such as
Asparagus, Sea Kale, and Rhubarb--and on the other three keep the crops
revolving in some such order as this: No. 1, Potatoes, Celery, Leek,
Carrot, Parsnip, Beet, &c. No. 2, Peas, Beans, Onions, Summer Spinach,
&c., followed by Turnips for winter use, Cabbage for spring use, and
Winter Spinach. No. 3, Brassicas, including Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts,
Kale, &c. In the following year the original No. 1 would be cropped as
No. 2, and No. 2 as No. 3. In the third season corresponding changes
would be made, constituting a three-course system. The cultivator must
use discretion in cropping vacant ground. As an example it will be
obvious that land cleared of Early Potatoes will be very suitable for
planting Strawberries. Another point is worth attention: Peas sown on
the lines where Celery has been grown will thrive without any
preparation beyond levelling the ground and drawing the necessary
drills. This is a West of England custom, and it answers exceedingly
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