As plants naturally, after their season of rest during the winter, now
begin to grow, it is advisable to shift the young stock, and all others
that require it, into fresh soil, by which they will be the better
enabled to
progress to a healthy-blooming state without check or
hindrance. Although from this time to the middle of March is to be
considered the most favourable season for a general shift, nevertheless
it may be necessary to shift some plants more than once or twice during
their season of growth.
Climbers.--To be attended to, removing weak and dead wood, and cutting
back to three or four eyes where an increase of young shoots is
desirable. To be frequently syringed, to keep down red spider, as they
are more liable than other plants to be infested by them.
The advice given for the shifting of the general stock of greenhouse
plants will also be applicable to the fresh potting of the stove plants.
Begonias.--Being of free growth they delight in fresh soil, consisting
of equal parts of sandy loam and leaf mould. As a general rule they are
repotted in February and August; but exceptions are sometimes made, and
a shift is given whenever the roots become cramped or matted in the pot.
The knife to be used cautiously, unless with the tall-growing sorts.
Gloxinias.--To be now started, if not done as advised a fortnight ago.
When planted press the roots gently on the surface of the soil, and
give them no water for some time; as the moisture in the soil will
be sufficient at first until they begin to grow, when a little may
be given, and the supply to be gradually increased as they advance
in growth. When potted to be removed to a frame or pit where the
temperature is about 60 deg..
Luculia gratissima.--To be potted in a compost consisting of half
turfy loam, one-fourth turfy peat, and one-fourth leaf mould, with good
Musa Cavendishii.--To be repotted in a compost of turfy loam, vegetable
soil, or well-rotted manure, and a small portion of sand, with plenty of
drainage. To be plunged in a brisk heat in a bark-bed, and to keep the
roots moist.
Many of the Orchids may now be potted, and then placed in the warmest
part of the house. The plants that are not shifted to be supplied with a
little fresh material, taking care that the embryo buds are not covered.
Look over the fastenings of all that are on blocks, or in baskets, and
renew the wires where necessary. The temperature to be about 65 deg. by
day, allowing it to range to 70 deg. or 75 deg. by sun-heat.
Cherries.--Keep up the temperature from 50 deg. to 55 deg. while the
trees are in bloom, with as little variation as possible. The trees not
in flower to be frequently syringed.
Cucumbers.--The greatest attention should be paid to the state of
the bed for the first fortnight after the plants are turned out; the
heat-stick (a stick stuck into the bed) should be examined, being, as
it is, a much better criterion to judge by than a thermometer, which
is generally used to indicate the heat of the atmosphere in the frame;
cover up according to the heat of the bed. If it will allow it, a small
portion of air should be left on every night, which may be given in the
evening after the frame has been closed for two or three hours. Keep up
the heat by stirring, renewing, or topping-up the linings; and attend
to the stopping of the plants, and the earthing-up of the hills, as the
roots make their appearance on the surface.
Melons.--Pot off the plants when the seed-leaves are fully expanded.
Peaches.--When the trees have set their fruit, give the roots, if
growing inside the house, a good watering with liquid manure, mixed with
soft hot water, so as to be of the temperature of the house, or a little
above it. The syringe to be used several times a-day in clear, mild
weather as soon as the fruit is set.
Pines.--Pot the succession plants. If the pots are full of strong,
healthy roots, pick out the crocks carefully without injuring
them, leaving the ball entire, and giving them a good shift. But if
unfortunately many of the roots are dead, shake the ball entirely away,
and cut out all that are dead, preserving such as are alive and healthy,
and potting them in fresh soil.
Strawberries.--Keep up a succession by placing a few dozen pots in a
gentle heat once every fortnight or three weeks.
Vines.--All laterals to be stopped in due time, and all useless buds and
branches to be removed; the leading shoots to be tied in regularly, and
the bunches to be thinned. No more bunches to be left on each Vine than
it is likely to bring to perfect maturity. About one dozen bunches are a
good average crop for each rod. The temperature to range from 55 deg. to
60 deg. at night, with an increase of 5 deg. to 10 deg. during the day,
and even higher during sunshine.
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Next: Thrid Week
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