The plants that have been in the open borders during the summer to be
taken up, the roots carefully cut back, and repotted; to be placed in a
gentle bottom heat, or in some close place, until they have made
roots, the better to resist the vicissitudes of the dull, dreary months
of the approaching winter.
American Plants.--If a rich display of bloom is desired in early spring,
the plants should be now potted in rather small pots, to be plunged in
the warmest part of the garden, and introduced to the forcing-house from
November until February, as they may be required. The most suitable for
such a purpose are the Azaleas of the nudiflora class with various
hybrids, Andromeda pulverulenta, Daphne cneorum, Kalmias, of
sorts, Ledum latifolium and L. thymifolium, Polygala Chamoebuxus,
Rhododendrons, and Rhodora Canadense.
Calceolarias (Herbaceous).--Remove them to a shelf as near the glass as
possible, with plenty of air at all favourable opportunities. To be duly
supplied with water.
Camellias.--Water to be given carefully, to prevent the dropping of the
buds. The late-flowering plants to be thinned of their buds, leaving not
more than two buds on each shoot, and retaining the largest and smallest
to get a long succession of bloom. The leaves, if necessary, to be
washed clean.
Chinese Primroses.--Place them as advised for Calceolarias.
Cinerarias.--Protect them from the ravages of green fly by the
application of the Gishurst infallible compound.
Fuchsias.--Continue to encourage the late stock for bloom. Seeds may be
sown at once, where there is a greenhouse or other means of sheltering
them from frost and damp; but if you have no such convenience, it is
advisable to postpone the sowing until spring. The seed is separated
most easily from the pulp by bruising the berries amongst dry sand, and
allowing it to stand in the sun, or in a warm place, until the moisture
has evaporated, when the seed and sand will be intermixed, and in a fit
state to be sown.
Heaths.--On fine mornings syringe them, and Epacrises and Pimeleas, and
give all possible ventilation, both night and day, while the weather
continues favourable.
New Holland Plants.--Place them in situations to enjoy a considerable
share of air and light. All luxuriant shoots to be stopped, to maintain
symmetry and uniformity of growth. A vigilant eye should be kept upon
them almost daily, to see that neither mildew, green fly, nor other such
enemies be allowed to injure them.
Orange Trees.--If they have been standing out during the summer, the
sooner they are returned to their winter quarters the better. Clean
the leaves, if necessary, and fresh surface the soil in which they are
Succulents.--Cacti, Euphorbiae, and other such plants to be gradually
curtailed in the supply of water as they approach the winter and their
season of rest.
Tropaeolums.--If any of this beautiful tribe, particularly T.
tricolorum or T. Brachyseras that have flowered early in the season,
begin to grow, they should not be checked, but allowed to grow slowly
through the winter; but if there is no appearance of growth--which is
best for their future success--the roots should be kept dormant, in a
cool place, with the soil about them quite dry, and protected from mice.
Stove plants cannot be too cautiously watered late in the autumn.
Nothing is now wanted but to keep the soil from getting quite dry.
Slight fires to be made in the forenoons of dull and rainy days, not so
much for the purpose of raising the temperature as for drying the house.
Air to be given at all favourable opportunities, to maintain a healthy
atmosphere. Several of the Orchids--viz., Aerides, Dendrobiums,
Saccolabiums, Vandas, &c., may be encouraged by the application of a
high temperature, with much moisture and less shading, to make further
and sometimes considerable growth.
Cattleyas.--Young plants may also be encouraged to grow for some time
longer; but older specimens should be reduced to a comparatively dormant
state by a gradual diminution in the supply of water, and a decrease in
temperature, with less shading.
Stanhopeas.--To be treated as advised for Cattleyas.
Continue to make fresh beds as formerly directed, and prepare fresh
material for successional ones. To ensure success it is advisable never
to allow the manure to be put together in a dry state, nor to get too
far exhausted, but in that medium state when the strong fermentation has
passed off, and a moderate heat is likely to remain in it for some time.
The temperature to be kept from 60 deg. to 65 deg., with the admission
of air for several hours daily.
Cherries.--Whether they are in pots or in borders, and have arrived at,
or are only approaching, a comparatively dormant state when but little
attention will be necessary, still that little will be required to keep
them clear of insects and of the leaves as they become sufficiently
ripe, when they come readily off with a touch. The old surface of the
soil of those grown in pots to be removed, and the same quantity of
fresh, in a rough state, put in its place. Remove them without further
delay, if not already done, as advised in the early part of the month,
to the north side of a wall or hedge until wanted; or if not wanted
until a sharp frost sets in, they should be protected from its icy
Figs.--Trees in pots to be treated as advised for Cherries.
Melons.--Although the weather may have been favourable for ripening the
late fruit, they will in some places still require the assistance of a
good top and bottom heat, and a large portion of air in the middle of
the day.
Peaches.--Trees in pots to be pruned, and treated as recommended for
Cherries. No time should be lost if fresh trees are to be planted in the
place of any that may be worn out. The choice should be made of young
trees that are in a bearing state, and all the better if they had been
moved last autumn. In pruning the trees, after the leaves have dropped,
be sure not to leave them too crowded; but if the summer pruning, as
frequently advised, have been properly done, but very little, if any,
will be required now. To remove the leaves from the trees in the early
houses it is advisable to shake them daily, and sometimes to brush them
gently with a few pieces of birch-spray tied in a bundle. All foreright
shoots to be removed, and the trees in the late houses kept free from
Pines.--Persevere in former directions as to general routine management.
Whilst fine weather continues air may be given liberally; and shut up
earlier in the afternoon to secure as much sun heat as possible. Plants
swelling their fruit to be assisted with a brisk temperature, both at
top and bottom, from 65 deg. to 70 deg. at night, allowing it to rise to
80 deg. on sunny days with a steady bottom heat of about 80 deg.. When
watering is necessary let it be given in sufficient quantity to moisten
the whole of the soil. The suckers and crowns that were potted in the
summer months should now be shifted, if they have grown freely; they
should then be plunged in a brisk bottom heat in the succession-house or
pit, from which the plants have been removed, to the fruiting-house. Any
remaining suckers on the old stools to be taken off, potted, and plunged
in a brisk heat in the nursing pit.
Vines.--The early house, or the first lot of Vines in pots, if it is
intended to start them in November or December, to be pruned, that
sufficient time may be allowed to heal up the wounds, and the buds to
become more plump and prominent. The border of the early house to be
thatched with straw, or covered with any other such material, to protect
it from heavy rains. It is also advisable in some situations to cover
the borders of the houses in which it is intended to keep Grapes late,
to prevent the soil getting saturated about the roots. Continue to look
over ripe fruit, cutting out the mouldy or tainted berries; applying
gentle fires only when necessary to expel damps, with a free circulation
of air--as a warm, close atmosphere is as injurious as damp. Where the
long-rod system is adopted, the old shoots should be cut down as soon as
the fruit is gathered; and, whatever system is adopted, if there are any
shoots to remove they should be taken out as soon as they can be spared;
the ends of the remaining shoots, if green, to be cut off. Continue to
pay strict attention to late Grapes, look over them daily, and cut out
every decayed berry.
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Next: First Week
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