The conservatory should now be gay with Balsams, Cockscombs, Fuchsias,
Globe Amaranths, Heliotropes, and the varieties of Japan Lilies. Strict
attention must be paid to all plants in these structures that they
do not suffer from the want of water. Continue
to stop over-luxuriant
growth, to obtain compact, sturdy specimens. On the evenings of hot, dry
days, after the plants have been watered, give them a slight syringing,
or sprinkling, over the leaves, and also the ground upon which they are
Aotus gracillimus.--When done blooming, to be cut down close to the pot.
Aphelexis and Helichrysums.--When past their best state, cut the
flower-stems close into the old wood; to be set in a cool shady place
until they begin to grow, when any that require it may be repotted.
Chrysanthemums.--Propagate by cuttings, or layers, to obtain dwarf
stocky plants. Continue to top the plants that have been planted out in
rows in the open ground, as advised some time ago.
Cinerarias.--Pot off the first batch of seedlings and offsets. Sow seed.
Fuchsias.--Shift in the last batch, and put in cuttings.
Leschenaultias.--When they are going out of bloom, or past their best,
remove the flowers and flower-buds, and put them in a cool place to
start again.
Kalosanthes.--When done blooming, the flower-stems and all straggling
growth to be cut in closely, to form compact specimens for another
Pelargoniums.--Cut back the principal stock, and treat them as advised
Pimelea spectabilis.--When that and the other kinds have done blooming,
to be freely cut in, and to be set in a cool shady place to break.
Polygalas to be treated in the same manner as the Pimeleas.
Look out for insects in the stove, and destroy them as soon as visible.
The Gishurst Compound is worthy of a trial. Follow former instructions
as to moisture and air.
Ixoras.--When done blooming to be cut in rather closely, to be started
in a gentle heat to make fresh growth. The Orchids suspended on baskets,
or on blocks of wood, require a soaking of water at the roots, and
frequent, but slight, syringings overhead. A little fire-heat applied in
the afternoon will be of service to them.
Figs.--If the second crop on the earliest trees is advancing towards
maturity, as soon as the fruit begins to ripen the atmosphere should
be kept dry and rather cool, giving air freely every fine day. Keep the
foliage clean and healthy, and clear from insects, and do not allow the
young shoots to get crowded.
Melons.--Keep up a good bottom heat when the fruit is setting. Keep the
plants on which the fruit is ripening rather dry at the root, with an
abundance of air in fine weather.
Pines.--Air to be admitted freely during hot weather to fruiting and
succession plants. Particular care will be necessary in the application
of water that they may not suffer for want of it, or by saturation. The
walls, paths, and surface of the bed to be kept constantly moist, and
frequent syringings to be given to the young stock. Continue all other
routine operations according to former directions.
Strawberries.--Some lay the runners at once into pots of strong, rich
loam, cutting them away from the parent plants when they have made roots
enough for their own support. Some prefer to lay them in small pots, to
be shifted into larger by-and-by, and others prefer to lay them in their
fruiting-pots. The principal object should be, to attain plants of a
moderate growth, well matured and rested before forcing time.
Vines.--The early houses, when they have been cleared of their fruit,
and the wood is properly ripened may have the sashes removed and
repaired, if required; indeed, every house is purified by free exposure
to the atmosphere for some time. The late crops to be encouraged to
swell by giving the borders good soakings of manure water, and by being
carefully thinned, more especially if they are wanted to keep late.
A little fire-heat will be necessary in unfavourable weather, with an
abundance of air day and night.
Previous: Thrid Week
Next: First Week
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