Cinerarias.--The plants intended for large specimens must receive their
final shift, and be allowed sufficient space to expand their foliage
without interfering with or injuring each other. The side-shoots to be
tied out.
Epacrises.--As some of them will be preparing to burst
into flower, a
little arrangement may be necessary in tying them out to display their
spikes of bloom more advantageously.
Fuchsias.--If wanted early, the plants that were first put to rest
should be selected, and be fresh potted, cutting back the roots,
beginning with a small-sized pot; to be shifted into larger when the
roots have extended to the outside of the ball. Place them in a nice
moist temperature of 50 deg. by day and 40 deg. by night.
Heaths.--To be looked over, and the dead and decaying leaves removed.
The most forward in bud--such as the Vestitas, Vernix, Vasciflora,
Aristata, Beaumontia, and many others, to be tied out, and arranged
for the season.
Pelargoniums.--When large specimens are wanted, tie out the branches at
equal distances, and down as near to the rim of the pot as possible.
Air to be given at all favourable opportunities. Water to be given but
sparingly, and not overhead.
Be careful that the night temperature is not raised too high: if kept
at 50 deg. in severe weather no ill consequences will result. The
atmosphere to be kept rather moist, especially if the weather is bright;
and all plants indicating an appearance of starting into bloom to be
removed to the warmest part of the house.
Clerodendrons.--To be shaken out of their pots; their roots reduced and
repotted into small pots in a light sandy loamy compost. Sow seeds, and
also of any hard-wooded stove plants.
Water to be given very cautiously to the Orchids, merely sufficient to
prevent the plants from shrivelling; and to do this effectually it is
necessary to look over them every day. The air of the house to be kept
moist by sprinkling the pathways, floors, tables, &c., daily. If any
plant is found not to have ripened off its bulbs it should be placed in
the warmest part of the house, and the ripening process encouraged. The
Brassias, Cyanoches, Coelogynes, Miltonias, and other such plants, when
they are beginning to grow, to be repotted. The compost to consist of
turfy peat mixed with a portion of charcoal or broken potsherds, and the
pots to be at least half full of very open drainage.
Cherries.--Very gentle excitement to be given by fire or artificial
heat, with kindly humidity, and abundance of air.
Figs.--Although they will bear a higher degree of temperature without
injury than either Cherries or Peaches, it is advisable to begin
cautiously, as it frequently happens that the more haste with fire the
less speed with fruit, and that favourable opportunities of sun and
light must be embraced for making sure progress with them.
Peaches.--Where the trees are coming into bloom it is necessary to be
cautious in the application of humidity, and when they have expanded
their flowers to withhold it altogether for a time. Fire or other
artificial heat to be applied moderately--that is, from 45 deg. by night
to 55 deg. by day, particularly when dark and gloomy weather prevails.
The houses now commencing to force to be kept moderately moist, and in
a sweet healthy state, syringing the trees pretty freely once or twice
a-day with tepid water. Shut up early on sunny days, and sprinkle the
paths, floors, flues, or pipes frequently.
Vines.--When they have all broken, the superfluous buds must be rubbed
off, and the young shoots stopped as soon as they are long enough to
admit the points of the shoots at one bud above the bunch being
broken out. In vineries now commencing to force, adopt the practice of
producing, where it can be applied, a kindly humidity by means of dung
and leaves, or other such fermenting materials. If they are to be broken
principally by fire heat, either by flues or hot-water pipes, copious
syringings must be resorted to with tepid water once or twice a-day.
Fire heat to be applied principally by day, with air at the same time,
and very moderately at night.
Next: Second Week
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