The plants when newly set in the house are very liable to lose a portion
of their leaves: these should be removed, and the plants kept supplied
with water, so as to preserve the soil moderately moist throughout.
Air to be
given every day, and also a portion at night, if the weather
continue mild.
Bulbs (Dutch).--All kinds to be immediately potted and plunged in
a convenient situation ready to be removed, when wanted, to the
forcing-house or pit. If potted and treated as advised some time ago, a
few of them may now be excited into growth.
Chrysanthemums.--Take up the plants from the open ground; choose a
showery day for the purpose. After potting to be well watered and shaded
for a few days, then placed in a cold pit, or removed to the greenhouse,
and neatly tied to stakes. The buds to be thinned for a fine display.
Gladioli.--Pot them, and Ixias, Sparaxis, &c.; and to be watered
sparingly until they begin to grow.
Lily of the Valley.--Pot some, to be treated as advised for Bulbs, that
a regular supply of this favourite flower may be had during winter.
Shrubs.--Get in, if not already done. A supply of American plants to be
potted, as advised a fortnight ago, and plunged in old tan until wanted
for forcing.
Continue to act in unison with the season, allowing the temperature to
decline slightly as light decreases. Although the Aerides, Dendrobiums,
&c., will continue to enjoy a temperature of 80 deg. by day and 70 deg.
by night, the Cattleyas will require 10 deg. or 15 deg. less to bring
them to a healthy state of rest; for if kept in constant excitement they
will continue to sprout buds from their pseudo-bulbs, which generally
adds to the size of the plant at the expense of the blooms.
Achimenes picta.--Promote their growth by every attention, also Gesnera
zebrina, which adds much to the beauty of the stove during winter.
Begonias.--Encourage the different kinds for winter flowering by giving
them larger pots if required.
Euphorbia fulgens and splendens.--These are also worthy of especial
attention, as they contribute to enliven the house at the dullest season
of the year when flowers are scarce.
Cucumbers.--To prolong the season of fine crisp fruit it is necessary
to keep the plants clean and healthy by giving them plenty of top and
bottom heat.
Figs.--The trees having no fruit likely to come to perfection, and whose
leaves are fading, to be kept cool and dry, to induce an early rest. A
seasonal rest should also be given by the same means to trees in pots,
that they may be in a fit state for forcing early.
Melons.--Continue to maintain a warm, dry atmosphere, to give flavour to
the fruit. They will require little or no water after this.
Peaches.--Vacancies to be filled with trees from the walls on the
open ground. This is a plan preferable to having young trees from the
nursery, which are usually some years in covering the space allotted to
them. Where the lights have been wholly removed, after being repaired
and painted, they should be put upon the houses to protect the trees and
borders from unfavourable weather.
Pines.--Ripening fruit to be kept in a dry, warm atmosphere, to give it
flavour. The swelling fruit to have a warm, moist atmosphere. Water to
be given to the plants cautiously; every one to be examined before it
receives any, and manure water to be dispensed with altogether. The heat
of the dung-pits to be kept up by renewing the linings. The crowns and
suckers that are planted in the tan to have no water; all they require
is attention in giving air and keeping up the heat.
Vines.--Attention to be given to the young Vines in pots that are
intended for forcing, that they may not become soddened, which would
injure the young roots considerably. Where netting or any other such
material had been used over the lights that open in houses containing
fruit, to prevent the ingress of wasps, it may be taken down as little
mischief will now be apprehended from their attacks. Mice are sometimes
very troublesome in vineries at this season, and will spoil a whole
house of Grapes in a short time if not prevented. Traps should,
therefore, be kept set, and every means used to prevent their ingress
from the garden. Cover the border when the trees are planted outside,
with a good coat of fern or any other such material before they become
saturated and chilled by the autumnal rains, to be laid on thickly in
layers, beginning at the front of the border, the whole to be covered
with a thin layer of good straw, and fastened down as a thatcher does
the straw on stacks.
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