Balsams.--Give them a good watering when they show indications of
drooping; but be cautious in watering when the least stagnation appears,
as saturation will be death to them.
Bulbs.--Pot Hyacinths and other such bulbs for forcing. When potted, to
be placed in
a dry, cool situation, as advised in the early part of the
month, and covered with some porous material--such as coal ashes, old
spent tanner's bark, coarse sand, or any other material that will serve
to keep the roots not only cool and un-acted on by atmospheric changes,
but which, from being moderately damp, will not abstract moisture from
the roots, but keep them uniformly and evenly moistened. The Cape bulbs,
if obtained now, may be had in flower at various periods throughout the
winter and early spring. Amaryllis Johnsoni, vittata, and many
other varieties, are splendid. Ornithogalum, both the white and
orange-flowered species, the free-growing species of Ixia, and the
varieties of Sparaxis tricolor, are desirable plants that may be
easily bloomed by gentle forcing.
Calceolarias (Herbaceous).--Pot off seedlings into small pots, and keep
them close in a frame for some days. Put in cuttings of the best kinds;
they will strike readily in a common frame.
Chrysanthemums.--They should now be stopped for the last time, to
produce a late succession of bloom.
Climbers.--Be careful to train the shoots, that the trellis or stakes
may be furnished and clothed with foliage and flowers from the rim of
the pot upwards.
Fuchsias.--To have a late bloom, cut back about half of the young wood,
trimming the plants to handsome shapes. If placed or plunged in a little
bottom heat they will break again, and continue blooming till Christmas.
Lilium lancifolium.--Supply them cautiously with water, as advised for
Balsams, and shade the flowers from bright sunshine, to prolong their
beauty. When they have done blooming, to be removed to the foot of a
south wall or fence to ripen their growth. Water to be given sparingly
until their tops show signs of decay, when they may be laid on
their sides till potting time. The same treatment is recommended for
Gladioli and plants of like habit.
Some judgment will now be necessary to arrange the plants that are
finishing or have completed their season's growth in the coolest part
of the house, where they should be freely supplied with air, and rather
cautiously and sparingly with water. While others in free growth should
be encouraged with warmth and moisture by giving but very little air and
a liberal supply of water during very fine sunshiny weather.
When the fruit in the early houses is gathered, the great object should
be to ripen the wood. A certain degree of attention is necessary to be
given by exposing them to light and air, and preserving the leaves from
injury, as it is upon their healthy action that the future crop depends.
Cherries.--Trees in tubs, or large pots, if intended for early forcing,
to be removed to a cool, and plunged in an open airy, situation, to
continue the regular root action, upon which much of their future
success will depend.
Figs.--Withhold water from the borders where the second crop of fruit is
ripening. Trees in tubs, or large pots, intended for early forcing, to
be treated as advised for Cherries.
Peaches.--If mildew attack the trees before the leaves have performed
their necessary functions, dust the affected shoots with sulphur. Trees
in pots to be treated as recommended for Cherries.
Pines.--Take advantage of fine weather to encourage free growth where
it is desirable. Plants swelling their fruit to be supplied occasionally
with clear liquid manure. The succession plants to be supplied with
water at the roots, as inattention to that particular during hot weather
is very likely to cause some of the plants to fruit prematurely.
Strawberries.--The stock intended for forcing to be carefully attended
to; to be kept free from runners and weeds; and, when necessary, to
be liberally watered. Free exposure to sun and air, and a little weak
liquid manure, will assist to produce stout healthy plants for forcing.
Vines.--When the fruit is ripe, give air freely, and keep the house as
cool and dry as possible. Stop laterals in the late houses, and expose
the foliage to light, to make it as healthy and vigorous as possible.
Vines in pots to be treated as advised for Cherries.
Previous: Fourth Week
Next: Second Week
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