The plants permanently planted out in the borders of the conservatory
should have a thorough soaking of weak liquid manure. Give all the air
possible at this season, both night and day, and keep the house as neat
and clean as
possible. If it contains many tender stove plants, shut it
up for an hour while the sun is on it in the evening, so as to produce a
more genial atmosphere for them.
Achimenes.--Encourage them, as also Clerodendrons, &c., to grow and to
prolong their beauty in the conservatory by supplying them with liquid
manure, taking particular care not to give it too strong, especially at
Cinerarias.--Sow seed immediately. Plants for early blooming should also
be potted and started at once, choosing the strongest suckers for the
purpose, and placing them in a cool, shady frame until they have made
fresh growth.
Chrysanthemums.--Propagate some for blooming in small pots.
Heaths.--Pluck off the flowers and seed-pods as soon as they become
unsightly, and prune straggling growth. The softwooded kinds--such as
the ventricosa, &c.--do best in a sheltered situation in the open
air, with means to protect them during heavy rains; while the
woolly-leaved--such as Masonii, &c.--and hardwooded varieties delight
in cold pits where the glass can be shaded or used for protection as
necessary. Examine the plants which were not shifted in the spring, and,
if necessary, pot them without delay; but if they require to be cut in,
to make them bushy, it will be best to let them break afresh before they
are repotted.
Leschenaultias.--If they have done blooming, and are pot-bound, to be
repotted and placed in a shady place to make their growth.
Give abundance of air to the stove plants at all favourable times, and
abundance of moisture by all means. Examine young specimens that were
potted early in the season, and shift at once such as require more pot
Ixoras.--Encourage the young plants by giving them plenty of air both
night and day, to make short, sturdy growth; and discontinue stopping
them for the season.
Cherries.--When the fruit has been gathered from the trees grown in
tubs, or pots, it is advisable to place them in some open, airy quarter,
to make their wood for next season's bearing.
Figs.--Give liberal supplies of water to the trees now throwing up their
second crop. A top dressing of old cowdung would now be useful. Pinch
out the top buds, if the shoots are growing very long. It should be a
practice to manage the trees during the summer that nothing more than a
slight thinning out should be wanted at the winter pruning.
Melons.--Give attention to the crops now growing, in thinning out the
shoots, stopping, &c.
Peaches and Nectarines.--When all the fruit is gathered, and the wood
seems well ripened, it will be best to take the lights quite off, and
place them under cover until wanted again. Plenty of air to be given to
the trees that are swelling off their fruit. Also, stop in succession
many of the strong shoots about the period the last swelling commences.
Use the syringe freely over the leaves early in the morning and again in
the evening.
Pines.--Give abundance of air to the fruiting and succession plants, and
during dry, hot weather, saturate the paths and every open space with
moisture, to prevent the leaves of the plants becoming brown. If such a
practice be regularly adopted during hot, bright sunny weather, shading
will seldom or never be necessary. Be at the same time particular in
maintaining a mild, genial bottom heat.
Vines.--The houses containing ripe fruit will require to be kept dry and
well ventilated; those swelling will still require attention to keep a
regular steady temperature with regular supplies of air. Muscats very
frequently require fires during the night and on wet, cold days.
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