Indoor Gardening

First Week

GREENHOUSE AND CONSERVATORY. Every endeavour should now be made to keep these houses as gay as possible. Fire-heat to be applied occasionally during dull, dark, or rainy weather, taking care not to raise the temperature too high--say greenhouse from 50 deg. to 55 deg.

by day and from 40 deg. to 45 deg. by night; conservatory 60 deg. by day and 50 deg. by night. Chrysanthemums to be removed as soon as they get shabby, to be succeeded by early Camellias. The Euphorbia jacquiniflora is well worthy of attention now; it requires but a very moderate allowance of water at this season, as the least saturation or interference with the root action will cause the leaves to turn yellow while the plant is in flower. Poinsettia pulcherrima is also worthy of particular attention as a noble ornamental flower at this season. The old Plumbago Capensis and rosea still retain their places amongst our best plants at this season. Acacias and Cytisuses, being yellow and showy, give, with the other flowers, a variety of colours to beautify the whole. Gesnera zebrina should not be forgotten; the elegant markings of the leaves contribute to enhance the beauty of this beautiful winter flower. Heaths.--As fire-heat is generally injurious to this tribe of plants it is advisable to be very cautious in its application. They can bear a good deal of cold and some degrees of frost without sustaining any very serious injury; but they cannot bear the drying influence of fire-heat without serious damage to their foliage, and which is very frequently death to the plants. They will require but very little water, especially the large specimens, which should be very particularly examined as to their state of dryness or otherwise, as a guide to the application or withholding of water. An abundance of air to be given on fine days, to keep the plants from growing. STOVE AND ORCHID-HOUSE. A cautious application of fire-heat to be still observed here. The temperature to be kept rather low than otherwise, for fear of exciting premature growth. A small portion of air to be admitted on fine days, to purify the atmosphere of the house. Keep the surface of the soil in the pots free from weeds, as also from moss and lichen; but when doing so do not loosen the soil so as to injure the roots near the surface. Keep every plant free from dead leaves, and all climbing plants neatly tied up. The Achimenes, Clerodendrons, Erythrinas, Gloxinias, and the various bulbs will now be approaching a state of repose, and therefore will require but little or no water. To prevent confusion or mistakes it is advisable to place them on a shelf, or some other part of the house, by themselves. Although dormant, or nearly so, they require a stove temperature to keep them safe and sound. FORCING-HOUSES. Asparagus and Sea-kale.--Make up beds as wanted. Mushrooms.--Keep a moist atmosphere in the house, and the temperature steadily at or near 60 deg.. A fresh bed to be made and spawned every

Previous: Fourth Week
Next: Three Or Four Weeks To Produce Successional Crops

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