Gardening Directory


Plants may be transplanted as soon as they are largeenough to handle. They must be lifted carefully with a small trowel, or if they are very small, such as Golden Feather, with a still smaller blunt article, disturbing the roots as little

as possible. It should be done when the ground is wet, and preferably in the evening. In dry weather they should be well watered twelve hours before they are disturbed. Shade them from sun for one or two days. Cabbages, Lettuces, Cauliflowers, Broccoli, Kale, and other members of the Brassica family must be transplanted, or they will be a failure. Root crops such as Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, etc., must not be transplanted, but thinned out. Celery may be transplanted in June or July.

Previous: Tradescantia Virginica (Spider Wort)
Next: Traveller's Joy (Clematis Viorna)

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