Gardening Directory


Seed may be sown thinly during April in drills 1 ft. apart.Thin out the plants 12 in. from each other, and let them grow on till the following April, then plant them out 4 ft. apart in deeply trenched ground into which

a good quantity of well-rotted manure has been worked. Large roots may be divided in autumn or early spring; every portion of the root that has a crown will make a fresh plant. When the last of the crop has been pulled, fork in a dressing of old manure. It may be forced out of doors by covering the ground thickly with stable manure, and placing large flower-pots over the plants to bleach them; but if forced in a frame the light need not be excluded. None but the earliest kinds should be selected for forcing.

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Next: Rhubarb, Chilian

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