Gardening Directory


Ground intended for Potatoes should be dug deeply in theautumn, thoroughly drained, well manured and trenched, and left rough on the surface during the winter. At the beginning of February stand the tubers on end in shallow boxes, and expose them to

the light to induce the growth of short, hard, purple sprouts. Allow one sprout to each tuber or set, rubbing off the rest. They may be planted at any time from the end of February to the end of March in rows 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 ft. asunder, placing the sets 6 in. deep and from 6 to 9 in. apart. As soon as growth appears keep the ground well stirred with the hoe to prevent the growth of weeds, and when the tops are 4 to 6 in. high ridge the earth up about them. Directly flower appears, pick it off, as it retards the growth of the tubers. They should be taken up and stored in October. If short of storage room dig up every other row only, and give the remaining ridges an additional covering of earth. They keep well this way.

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Next: Potentilla

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