Set the roots in bunches 1 ft. apart, and beforesevere weather sets in cover them with a dressing of well-rotted
manure. They should not be disturbed, even by digging among the roots.
If grown in pots, they should be kept in a
cool place and perfectly
dry when their season is over: by watering they will soon come into
foliage and flower again. For forcing put ten or twelve "buds" in a
5-in. pot--any light soil will do--plunge the pot in a sheltered part
of the garden. From this they may be removed to the forcing-house as
required to be brought into bloom. Plunge the pots in cocoa-nut fibre
and maintain an even temperature of from 65 to 70 degrees.
Previous: Lilium
Next: Limnanthes Douglasii