Gardening Directory


The Lily is admirably adapted for pot culture, theconservatory, and the flower border, and will flourish in any light soil or situation. To produce fine specimens in pots they should be grown in a mixture of light turfy loam and leaf-mould. Six

bulbs planted in a 12-in. pot form a good group. The pots should have free ventilation, and the bulbs be covered with 1 in. of mould. For outdoor cultivation plant the bulbs 4 to 5 in. deep, from October to March. After once planting they require but little care, and should not be disturbed oftener than once in three years, as established plants bloom more freely than if taken up annually. Give a thin covering of manure during the winter. Lilium seed may be sown in well-drained pots or shallow boxes filled with equal parts of peat, leaf-mould, loam, and sand. Cover the seeds slightly with fine mould and place the boxes or pots in a temperature of 55 or 65 degrees. A cold frame will answer the purpose, but the seeds will take longer to germinate. The Lancifolium and Auratum varieties have a delicious fragrance. Lilium--continued. CANDIDUM (the Madonna, or White Garden Lily) should be planted before the middle of October, if possible, in groups of three, in well-drained, highly-manured loam. Should they decline, take them up in September and re-plant at once in fresh, rich soil, as they will not stand being kept out of the ground long. They are increased by off-sets. As soon as these are taken from the parent bulb, plant them in a nursery-bed; after two years they may be transferred to the garden. This Lily is quite hardy, and needs no protection during winter. LANCIFOLIUM make very fine pot-plants, or they may be placed in a sunny situation in the border, but in the latter case they must have a thick covering of dry ashes in winter. If grown in pots place them, early in March, in rich, sandy soil. Three bulbs are sufficient for an 11-in. pot. Give very little water, but plenty air in mild weather. Let them grow slowly. When all frost is over place pans under them, mulch the surface with old manure, and supply freely with air and water. They are propagated by off-sets. MARTAGON (or Turk's Cap) requires the same treatment as the Candidum, with the exception that a little sand should be added to the soil. TIGRINUM (Tiger Lily) also receives the same treatment as the Madonna. When the flower-stems grow up they throw out roots. A few lumps of horse manure should be placed round for these roots to lay hold of. They are increased by the tiny bulbs which form at the axis of the leaves of the flower-stem. When these fall with a touch they are planted in rich, light earth, about 6 in. apart. In four or five years' time they will make fine bulbs. AURATUM and SZOVITZIANUM (or Colchicum) thrive best in a deep, friable, loamy soil, which should be well stirred before planting. If the soil is of a clayey nature it should be loosened to a depth of several feet, and fresh loam, coarse sand, and good peat or leaf-mould added, to make it sufficiently light. For PARDALINUM (the Panther Lily) and SUPERBUM mix the garden soil with three parts peat and one part sand, and keep the ground moist. They should occupy a rather shady position. All the other varieties will succeed in any good garden soil enriched with leaf-mould or well-decayed manure. For VALLOTA (Scarborough Lily), BELLADONNA, and FORMOSISSIMA (or Jacobean) Lilies, see "Amaryllis." For AFRICAN LILY, see "Agapanthus." For PERUVIAN LILIES, see "Alstromeria." For ST BERNARD'S and ST BRUNO'S LILIES, see "Anthericum." For CAFFRE LILIES, see "Clivias."

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