Gardening Directory

Ivy (Hedera)

A deep, rich soil suits the common Ivy; the moretender kinds require a lighter mould. To increase them, plant slips in a north border in sandy soil. Keep them moist through the autumn, and plant them out when well rooted. The following

are the principal choice sorts:--Aurea Spectabilis, palmate-leaved, blotched with yellow; Cavendishii, a slender-growing variety, leaves margined with white, with a bronzy shade on the edge; Conglomerata, crumpled leaves; Elegantissima, slender-growing, with silvery variegated leaves; Irish Gold-Blotch, large leaves, blotched with yellow; Latifolia Maculata, large white-blotched leaves; Lee's Silver, silver variegated; Maderiensis Variegata, leaves broadly marked with white; Marmorata, small leaves blotched and marbled with white; Pupurea, small leaves of a bright green changing to bronzy-purple; Rhomboides Obovata, deep green foliage; Rhomboides Variegata, greyish-green leaves, edged with white; and Silver Queen, a good hardy variety.

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