Gardening Directory


Dig the ground out to a depth of 1 ft. or 15 in.; put ina layer of leaf-mould or rotted manure, and then 4 or 5 in. of earth mixed with sand; insert the bulbs (6 in. from the surface and

9 in. apart), cover them with 1 in. of sand, and fill up with earth. In frosty weather cover with a thick layer of litter. Give plenty of water when they begin to throw up their flower-stems. They may be planted at any time between December and the end of March. If planted late in the season, a depth of 3 or 4 in. is enough. The roots must be kept dry in winter. They are increased by off-sets, taken when the bulbs are removed from the ground after the leaves have turned yellow. These should be planted at once in well-drained earth. If early flowers are required, plant the old bulbs in pots (three to six bulbs being placed in a 5-in. pot) any time between December and March. Give them frame culture up to the second week in May, when they may be transferred to the border. The flowers are invaluable for vase decoration.

Previous: Gillenia Trifoliata
Next: Glaucium Flavum Tricolor (Hardy Horn Poppy)

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