Gardening Directory


Take cuttings in July or August, and let them he topartially dry for twenty-four hours before planting. When rooted pot them off in 60's, and keep them under glass during the winter at a temperature of 55 degrees. If the cuttings are

taken in September put three or four slips in a 48-size pot. In the spring they should be re-potted singly and hardened off as early as possible. A suitable soil for them is made by mixing two parts of good turfy loam, one of leaf-mould, one of well-decomposed cow-dung, and a good proportion of silver sand. Bone dust is an excellent addition to the soil. Old plants stripped of their leaves may be packed in sand during the winter, and re-potted in spring.

Previous: Geranium Argentium(Silvery Crane's-Bill)
Next: Gerardia

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