Gardening Directory


These will grow in any good, cool, moist, well-drainedgarden soil if sand be put round their roots, but thrive best in a moderately rich loam. They may remain in the ground for years, for large bulbs produce the finest flowers. When the

flowering is over the leaves must be allowed to die down, not cut off. Plant from September to December. The top of the bulb should be about 3 in. below the surface, according to its size; 10 in. apart is a good distance. Daffodils are also suitable for pot culture. Plant three to six bulbs, according to size, in a 4-in. or 5-in. pot, using a compost of two parts fibrous loam, one part leaf-mould, and one part sand. Place the pots on a bed of ashes, and cover with 4 in. of cocoa-nut fibre. As soon as top growth has commenced, remove the plants indoors, and give plenty of light and air to prevent them being drawn. Daffodils likewise make a good display when planted on a lawn.

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