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Cassia Acutifolia

The cassias belong to the leguminous family. The leaflets of this and some other species produce the well-known drug called senna. That known as Alexandria senna is produced by the above. East Indian senna is produced by _C. elongata_. Aleppo senna is obtained from

_C. obovata_. The native species, _C. marylandica_, possesses similar properties. The seeds of _C. absus_, a native of Egypt, are bitter, aromatic, and mucilaginous, and are used as a remedy for ophthalmia. _C. fistula_ is called the Pudding-Pipe tree, and furnishes the cassia pods of commerce. The seeds of _C. occidentalis_, when roasted, are used as a substitute for coffee in the Mauritius and in the interior of Africa.

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