For pot-plants on terraces, gravelwalks, and such like places, few things can equal and none surpass
Cannas. They are half-hardy perennials, and may be increased from
seed or by dividing the roots late in autumn, allowing them first to
partially dry. File the
tough skin off one end of the seed, and steep
it in hot water for a few hours before it is sown, then stand it in a
hot place till it has germinated. Harden off and plant out, or shift
into larger pots in June, using a rich, light soil. Lift and store the
roots in autumn in the same way as Dahlias. Different kinds flower at
various seasons, so that a succession of bloom may be had throughout
the year. Height, 2 ft. to 10 ft.
Previous: Candytuft (Iberis)
Next: Cannabis Gigantea (Giant Hemp)