Gardening Directory

Beans, Broad

A deep, strong loam is most suitable, but good cropscan be obtained from any garden soil. The first sowing should be made in February or March, and in succession to May. A sowing of Beck's Green Gem or Dwarf Fan may even

be made in November in rows 2 ft. apart. Other varieties should be planted in rows 3 ft. apart, sowing the seed 3 in. deep and at intervals of 6 in. When the plants have done flowering pinch off the tops, to ensure a better crop; and if the black fly has attacked them, take off the tops low enough down to remove the pests, and burn them at once. Seville Longpod and Aquadulce may be recommended for an early crop, and Johnson's Wonderful and Harlington Windsor for a main one.

Previous: Bay, Sweet (Laurus Nobilis)
Next: Beans, French

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