Gardening Directory

Aralia Sieboldi (Fig Palm)

This shrub is an evergreen, and isgenerally given stove culture, though it proves quite hardy in the open, where its large deep-green leaves acquire a beauty surpassing those grown indoors. Slips of half-ripened wood taken at a joint in July may be struck

in heat and for the first year grown on in the greenhouse. The young plants should be hardened off and planted out in May in a sunny situation. It should be grown in well-drained sandy loam. Is increased also by off-sets, and blooms (if at all) in July. Height, 3 ft. Aralia Sinensis. See "Dimorphantus."

Previous: Aralia (Fatsia Japonica)
Next: Araucaria Imbricata (The Monkey Puzzle, or Chilian Pine)

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