Gardening Directory


These plants bear large drooping bell-shaped lily-likeblossoms. They thrive best in a compost of turfy loam and peat, with a fair quantity of sand. The pots must in all cases be well drained. Most of the stove and greenhouse species should be

turned out of their pots in autumn, and laid by in a dry place until spring, when they should be re-potted and kept liberally supplied with water. A. Reticulata and A. Striatifolia bloom best, however, when undisturbed. Discontinue watering when the foliage shows signs of failing, but avoid shrivelling the leaves. The hardy varieties should be planted 6 in. deep in light, well--drained soil, and allowed to remain undisturbed for two or three years, when they will probably require thinning out. They are increased by off-sets from the bulbs. The Belladonna (Belladonna Lily) should be planted in June in a sheltered border in rich, well-drained soil. Formosissima (the Scarlet Jacobean Lily) is a gem for the greenhouse, and very suitable for forcing, as it will bloom two or three times in a season. It should be potted in February. Lutea (Sternbergia) flowers in autumn. Plant 4 in. deep from October to December. Purpurea (Vallota Purpurea or Scarborough Lily) is a very beautiful free bloomer. October and November or March and April are the most favourable times for potting, but established plants should be re-potted in June or July.

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