Probably the most important matter to be observed in growing
house-plants is that of watering them. The cultivator should know just
when to water, and to give it where it will do the most good. Amateur
florists often exhibit much poor judgment in
watering. It is the habit
of some to keep the soil about their plants constantly soaked with
water, and they wonder why they are not thrifty or healthy. These
cultivators do not stop to consider that such treatment is unnatural,
and will have an effect contrary to what is desired. There are those who
resort to the opposite extreme, and keep their plants all the time in a
perishing condition of dryness, which is even worse than if they were
watered to death. If we will observe how judiciously Nature distributes
the sunshine and shadow, the periodical rains, and the refreshing dews,
we will learn an important lesson. A pot, or other receptacle in which
plants are grown, should be porous; glazed, or painted pots, ought never
to be used, where plain, unglazed pots can be obtained; all non-porous
pots of tin and similar material, should be discarded. Plants growing
in them can never compare in health with those that have the advantage
of plain porous pots. There should be a hole of sufficient size in the
bottom of each pot, to allow the water to drain off, and to pass away as
soon as possible. Placing a few pieces of broken crocks, or charcoal, in
the bottom of the pots will facilitate a rapid drainage, as good
drainage is essential to the growth of strong, and healthy plants. When
plants require water, it will be indicated by a light, dry appearance of
the top of the soil, and if watered when in this condition, it will do
the most good. Give water only when in this condition, and then
copiously, giving them all they will soak up at the time, then withhold
water until the same indication of their want of it again appears, then
apply it freely. Unless plants are in a very dry atmosphere, as in a
warm parlor in winter, they will seldom require watering. In summer they
should be closely watched, and if exposed to wind and sun, they will
require daily watering, to keep them in a flourishing state. When plants
are suffering from drouth, it will be indicated by the drooping of the
leaves, and they will frequently turn yellow, and drop off prematurely;
this can be avoided by timely attention each day.
In summer, watering in the cool of the evening will be followed by the
best results, for it will give the plants time to take up and assimilate
the moisture necessary to their life, and being completely charged with
water, they will be prepared for the hot sun and drying winds of the
following day.
Previous: Making And Planting Flower-beds
Next: Is Cold Water Injurious To Plants?
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