That class of bulbs known as Fall, or Holland Bulbs, includes Hyacinths,
Crocuses, Jonquils, Tulips, Narcissuses, Snow-drops, and several less
known kinds. These bulbs are grown in Holland in immense quantities, the
soil and climate of that country being peculiarly favorable to them,
they are annually imported into this country in great numbers. The fall
is the time to set them out; any time from the first of October, to the
middle of December. Tulips, Jonquils, Narcissuses, and Hyacinths, should
be planted four inches deep, and eight inches apart each way; the
Snow-drops and Crocuses two inches deep, and six inches apart.
All of the above named bulbs are entirely hardy, and will stand in the
ground without any surface protection through the severest winters. Some
go to the trouble of covering the surface with leaves or other litter
for protection, but this is entirely unnecessary. A very pretty effect
may be had, where one has a large number of bulbs, by selecting the
different colors and planting each color in a row by itself, so that
when they blossom, it will be in ribbon-lines of red, white, blue, or
yellow, as the case may be. Or, if one has a large number of beds of
different shapes, cut so as to form a design of some kind, each section
may be planted with a different color (Hyacinths are the best for this
work), and when all come into bloom in April, the effect will be most
charming. We tried this "massing" of the differently colored bulbs one
year, in a "design" of one hundred different sections of all conceivable
shapes. Planting the bulbs so that, when in blossom, the whole would
present a harmonious effect. It would be hard to conceive of a more
attractive sight than that presented by all those bulbs in full bloom
in early April, when every thing else looked barren and cheerless. They
were admired by every one who saw them. Bulbs of this character bloom
and pass away in season to allow room for other plants to be set out.
These may be set between the rows of bulbs, and not disturb them in the
least. Any of the above named bulbs are especially desirable for house
culture in winter. Make an oblong box, say four feet in length, fifteen
inches wide, and twelve deep, fill this with fine, rich loam, then plant
a row of Hyacinths in the centre, and on each side of this plant a row
of either Snow-drops or Crocuses, water thoroughly, and set away in a
dark, cool place. In three weeks remove the box into the full light, and
water freely, they will grow and bloom throughout the winter. If the box
can be set near a front window, it will make a pretty display while the
bulbs are in bloom.
These bulbs can be started in pots, or glasses filled with water, and
treated in the same manner as stated above. Place a single bulb of
Hyacinth in each pot or glass. Four-inch pots filled nearly to the top
with soil, and the bulbs set in and pressed down, so that nothing but
the crown is above ground, are all that is necessary. The same bulbs can
be used a number of years, but they are not so good as fresh ones, which
should be obtained each year if possible. After the bulbs are through
blooming, they may be left in the soil in which they grew through the
winter, and removed to a dry place to rest, in preparation for starting
them another fall. If fresh bulbs are desired for this purpose, the old
ones may be planted out in the open ground, where they will again renew
their strength, and bloom annually for a number of years. They are
multiplied from the seed and from offshoots.
Previous: Pansy Culture
Next: Tropical Bulbs Tuberoses
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