(Habenaria blephariglottis) Orchid family
Flowers - Pure white, fragrant, borne on a spike from 3 to 6 in.
long. Spur long, slender; oval sepals; smaller petals toothed;
the oblong lip deeply fringed. Stem: Slender, 1 to 2 ft. high.
Leaves: Lance-shaped, parallel-veined, clasping
the stem; upper
ones smallest.
Preferred Habitat - Peat-bogs and swamps.
Flowering Season - July-August.
Distribution - Northeastern United States and eastern Canada to
One who selfishly imagines that all the floral beauty of the
earth was created for man's sole delight will wonder why a flower
so exquisitely beautiful as this dainty little orchid should be
hidden in inaccessible peat-bogs, where overshoes and tempers get
lost with deplorable frequency, and the water-snake and bittern
mock at man's intrusion of their realm by the ease with which
they move away from him. Not for man, but for the bee, the moth,
and the butterfly, are orchids where they are and what they are.
The white-fringed orchis grows in watery places that it may more
easily manufacture nectar, and protect itself from crawling
pilferers; its flowers are clustered on a spike, their lips are
fringed, they have been given fragrance and a snowy-white color
that they may effectually advertise their sweets on whose removal
by an insect benefactor that will carry pollen from flower to
flower as he feeds depends their chance of producing fertile
seed. It is probable the flower is white that night-flying moths
may see it shine in the gloaming. From the length and slenderness
of its spur it is doubtless adapted to the sphinx moth.
At the entrance to the nectary, two sticky disks stand on guard,
ready to fasten themselves to the eyes of the first moth that
inserts his tongue; and he finds on withdrawing his head that two
pollen-masses attached to these disks have been removed with
them. This plastering over of insects' eyes by the orchids might
be serious business, indeed, were not the lepidoptera gifted with
numerous pairs. The fragrance of many orchids, however, would be
a sufficient guide even to a blind insect. With the pollen-masses
sticking to his forehead, the moth enters another flower and
necessarily rubs off some grains from the pollen masses, that
have changed their attitude during his flight that they may be in
the precise position to fertilize the viscid stigma. In almost
the same way the similar Yellow-Fringed Orchis (H. ciliaris) and
the great green orchids compel insects to work for them.
A larger-flowered species, the PRAIRIE WHITE-FRINGED ORCHIS (H.
lepicophea), found in bloom in June and July, on moist, open
ground from western New York to Minnesota and Arkansas, differs
from the preceding chiefly in having larger and greenish-white
flowers, the lip cleft into wedge-shaped segments deeply fringed.
The hawk-moth removes on its tongue one, but not often both, of
the pollinia attached to disks on either side of the entrance to
the spur.
(Gyrostachys cernua; Spiranthes cernua of Gray) Orchid family
Flowers - Small, white or yellowish, without a spur, fragrant,
nodding or spreading in 3 rows on a cylindrical, slightly twisted
spike 4 or 5 in. long. Side sepals free, the upper ones arching,
and united with petals; the oblong, spreading lip crinkle-edged,
and bearing minute, hairy callosities at bases Stem: 6 in. to 2
ft. tall, with several pointed, wrapping bracts. Leaves: From or
near the base, linear, almost grass-like.
Preferred Habitat - Low meadows, ditches, and swamps.
Flowering Season - July-October.
Distribution - Nova Scotia to the Gulf of Mexico, and westward to
the Mississippi.
This last orchid of the season, and perhaps the commonest of its
interesting tribe in the eastern United States, at least, bears
flowers that, however insignificant in size, are marvelous pieces
of mechanism, to which such men as Charles Darwin and Asa Gray
have devoted hours of study and, these two men particularly, much
Just as a woodpecker begins at the bottom of a tree and taps his
way upward, so a bee begins at the lower and older flowers on a
spike and works up to the younger ones; a fact on which this
little orchid, like many another plant that arranges its b1ossoms
in long racemes, depends. Let us not note for the present what
happens in the older flowers, but begin our observations, with
the help of a powerful lens, when the bee has alighted on the
spreading lip of a newly opened blossom toward the top of the
spire. As nectar is already secreted for her in its receptacle,
she thrusts her tongue through the channel provided to guide it
aright, and by the slight contact with the furrowed rostellum, it
splits, and releases a boat-shaped disk standing vertically on
its stern in the passage. Within the boat is an extremely sticky
cement that hardens almost instantly on exposure to the air. The
splitting of the rostellum, curiously enough, never happens
without insect aid; but if a bristle or needle be passed over it
ever so lightly, a stream of sticky, milky fluid exudes, hardens,
and the boat-shaped disk, with pollen masses attached, may be
withdrawn on the bristle just as the bee removes them with her
tongue. Each pollinium consists of two leaves of pollen united
for about half their length in the middle with elastic threads.
As the pollinia are attached parallel to the disk, they stick
parallel on the bee's tongue, yet she may fold up her proboscis
under her head, if she choose, without inconvenience from the
pollen masses, or without danger of loosening them. Now, having
finished sucking the newly opened flowers at the top of the
spike, away she flies to an older flower at the bottom of another
one. Here a marvelous thing has happened. The passage which, when
the flower first expanded, scarcely permitted a bristle to pass,
has now widened through the automatic downward movement of the
column in order to expose the stigmatic surfaces to contact with
the pollen masses brought by the bee. Without the bee's help this
orchid, with a host of other flowers, must disappear from the
face of the earth. So very many species which have lost the power
to fertilize themselves now depend absolutely on these little
pollen carriers, it is safe to say that, should the bees perish,
one half our flora would be exterminated with them. On the slight
downward movement of the column in the ladies' tresses, then, as
well as on the bee's ministrations, the fertilization of the
flower absolutely depends. "If the stigma of the lowest flower
has already been fully fertilized," says Darwin, "little or no
pollen will be left on its dried surface; but on the next
succeeding flower, of which the stigma is adhesive, large sheets
of pollen will be left. Then as soon as the bee arrives near the
summit of the spike she will withdraw fresh pollinia, will fly to
the lower flowers on another plant, and fertilize them; and thus,
as she goes her rounds and adds to her store of honey, she
continually fertilizes fresh flowers and perpetuates the race of
autumnal spiranthes, which will yield honey to future generations
of bees."
The SLENDER LADIES' TRESSES (G. gracilis; [S. gracilis]), with a
range and season of blossom similar to the preceding species, and
with even smaller white, fragrant flowers, growing on one side of
a twisted spike, chooses dry fields, hillsides, open woods, and
sandy places - queer habitats for a member of its moisture-loving
tribe. Its leaves have usually fallen by flowering time. The
cluster of tuberous, spindle-shaped roots are an aid to
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