RED AND REDDISH: Nightshade. Twisted-stalk. American Cranberry.
Marsh Calla. Wild Spikenard (pale red speckled berries).
Two-leaved Solomon's Seal (pale red speckled). Wake-robins. Red
Baneberry. Red Raspberry. Strawberries. Red Choke-berry.
June-berry. Shad-bush. Hawthorns. Harmless Sumacs. Hollies.
Bittersweet. Winterberry (Black Alder). American Spikenard.
Flowering Dogwood. Dwarf Cornel or
Bunebberry. Wintergreen. Red
Bearberry. Partridge Vine. Hobble-bush. Red-berried Elder. High
Bush Cranberry. Barberry. Spice-bush. Ground Cherry. Wild
Honeysuckies. Jack-in-the-Pulpit.
BLUISH AND BLACK: Deadly Nightshade. Star-flowered Solomon's
Seal. True Solomon's Seal. Large-flowered Wake-robin. Black
Raspberry. Bush Blackberry. Dewberry. Black Choke-berry. Wild
Grapes. Virginia Creeper. Cornels. Pokeweed. Huckleberry.
Blueberries. Elder. Arrow-woods. Viburnums. Nanny-berry.
Blackberry Lily.
WHITE: White Baneberry (black eye). Poison Sumac. Poison Ivy.
Panicled Dogwood. Snowberry.
FLUFFY: Thistles. Virginia Clematis. Milkweeds. White lettuce
(cinnamon). Groundsel-bush. Spring Everlasting. Dandelions.
Sow-thistle. Lettuces. Hawkweeds (brown).
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