(Hieracium aurantiacum) Chicory family
Flower-beads - Reddish orange; 1 in. across or less, the
5-toothed rays overlapping in several series; several heads on
short peduncles in a terminal cluster. Stem: Usually leafless, or
with 1 to 2 small sessile leaves; 6 to 20
in. high, slender,
hairy, from a tuft of hairy, spatulate, or oblong leaves at the
Preferred Habitat - Fields, woods, roadsides, dry places.
Flowering Season - June-September.
Distribution - Pennsylvania and Middle States northward into
British Possessions.
Peculiar reddish-orange disks, similar in shade to the butterfly
weed's umbels, attract our eyes no less than those of the bees,
flies, and butterflies for whom such splendor was designed. After
cross-fertilization has been effected, chiefly through the agency
of the smaller bees, a single row of slender, brownish,
persistent bristles attached to the seeds transforms the head
into the "devil's paint-brush." Another popular title in England,
from whence the plant originally came, is Grimm the Collier. All
the plants in this genus take their name from hierax = a hawk,
because people in the old country once thought that birds of prey
swooped earthward to sharpen their eyesight with leaves of the
hawkweed, hawkbit, or speerhawk, as they are variously called.
Transplanted into the garden, the orange hawkweed forms a
spreading mass of unusual, splendid color.
ROBIN'S PLANTAIN (H. venosum), with flower-heads only about half
an inch across, sends up a smooth, slender stem, paniculately
branched above, to display the numerous dandelion-yellow disks as
early as May, although October is not too late to find this
generous bloomer in pine woodlands, dry thickets, and sandy soil.
Purplish-veined oval leaves, more or less hairy, that spread in a
tuft next the ground, are probably as efficacious in curing
snakebites as those of the rattlesnake plantain (q.v.). When a
credulous generation believed that the Creator had indicated with
some sign on each plant the special use for which each was
intended, many leaves were found to have veinings suggesting the
marks on a snake's body; therefore, by simple reasoning, they
must extract venom. How delightful is faith cure!
Unlike the preceding, the CANADA HAWKWEED (H. Canadense), lacks a
basal tuft at flowering time, but its firm stem, that may be any
height from one to five feet, is amply furnished with oblong to
lance-shaped leaves seated on it, their midrib prominent, the
margins sparingly but sharply toothed. In dry, open woods and
thickets, and along shady roadsides, its loosely clustered heads
of clear yellow, about one inch across, are displayed from July
to September; and later the copious brown bristles remain for
sparrows to peck at.
The ROUGH HAWKWEED (H. scabrum), with a stout, stiff stem crowned
with a narrow branching cluster of small yellow flower-heads on
dark bristly peduncles, also lacks a basal tuft at flowering
time. Its hairy oblong leaves are seated on the rigid stem. In
dry, open places, clearings, and woodlands from Nova Scotia to
Georgia, and westward to Nebraska, it blooms from July to
More slender and sprightly is the HAIRY HAWKWEED (H. Gronovii),
common in sterile soil from Massachusetts and Illinois to the
Gulf States. The basal leaves and lower part of the stiff stem,
especially, are hairy, not to allow too free transpiration of
precious moisture.
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