(Solidago) Thistle family
When these flowers transform whole acres into "fields of the
cloth-of-gold," the slender wands swaying by every roadside, and
purple asters add the final touch of imperial splendor to the
autumn landscape, already glorious with gold and crimson, is any
of Nature's garden the world around more gorgeous than
that portion of it we are pleased to call ours? Within its limits
eighty-five species of goldenrod flourish, while a few have
strayed into Mexico and South America, and only two or three
belong to Europe, where many of ours are tenderly cultivated in
gardens, as they should be here, had not Nature been so lavish.
To name all these species, or the asters, the sparrows, and the
warblers at sight is a feat probably no one living can perform;
nevertheless, certain of the commoner goldenrods have
well-defined peculiarities that a little field practice soon
fixes in the novice's mind.
Along shady roadsides, and in moist woods and thickets, from
(S. caesia) sways an unbranched stem with a bluish bloom on it.
It is studded with pale golden clusters of tiny florets in the
axils of lance-shaped, feather-veined leaves for nearly its
entire length. Range from Maine, Ontario, and Minnesota to the
Gulf States. None is prettier, more dainty, than this common
In rich woodlands and thicket borders we find the ZIG-ZAG or
BROAD-LEAVED GOLDENROD (S. flexicaulis; S. latifolia of Gray) its
prolonged, angled stem that grows as if waveringly uncertain of
the proper direction to take, strung with small clusters of
yellow florets, somewhat after the manner of the preceding
species. But its saw-edged leaves are ovate, sharply tapering to
a point, and narrowed at the base into petioles. It blooms from
July to September. Range from New Brunswick to Georgia, and
westward beyond the Mississippi.
During the same blooming period, and through a similar range, our
only albino, with an Irish-bull name, the WHITE GOLDENROD, or
more properly SILVER-ROD (S. bicolor), cannot be mistaken. Its
cream-white florets also grow in little clusters from the upper
axils of a usually simple and hairy gray stem six inches to four
feet high. Most of the heads are crowded in a narrow, terminal
pyramidal cluster. This plant approaches more nearly the idea of
a rod than its relatives. The leaves; which are broadly oblong
toward the base of the stem, and narrowed into long margined
petioles, are frequently quite hairy, for the silver-rod elects
to live in dry soil, and its juices must be protected from heat
and too rapid transpiration.
In swamps and peat bogs the BOG GOLDENROD (S. uliginosa) sends up
two to four feet high a densely flowered, oblong, terminal spire;
its short branches so appressed that this stem also has a
wand-like effect. The leaves, which are lance-shaped or oblong,
gradually increase in size and length of petiole until the lowest
often measure nine inches long. Season, July to September. Range,
from Newfoundland to Pennsylvania and westward beyond the
Now we leave the narrow, unbranched, wand goldenrods strung with
clusters of minute florets, which, however slender and charming,
are certainly far less effective in the landscape than the
following members of their clan which have their multitudes of
florets arranged in large, compound, more or less widely
branching, terminal, pyramidal clusters. On this latter plan the
SHOWY or NOBLE GOLDENROD (S. speciosa) displays its splendid,
dense, ascending branches of bloom from August to October.
European gardeners object to planting goldenrods, complaining
that they so quickly impoverish a rich bed that neighboring
plants starve. This noble species becomes ignoble indeed, unless
grown in rich soil, when it spreads in thrifty circular tufts.
The stout stem, which often assumes reddish tints, rises from
three to seven feet high, and the smooth, firm, broadly oval,
saw-toothed lower leaves are long-petioled. Range, from Nova
Scotia to the Carolinas, westward to Nebraska.
When crushed in the hand, the dotted, bright green, lance-shaped,
entire leaves of the SWEET GOLDENROD or BLUE MOUNTAIN TEA (S.
odora) cannot be mistaken, for they give forth a pleasant anise
scent. The slender, simple, smooth stem is crowned with a
graceful panicle, whose branches have the florets seated all on
one side. Dry soil. New England to the Gulf States, July to
rugosa), a perversely variable species, its hairy stem perhaps
only a foot high, or, maybe, over seven feet, its rough leaves
broadly oval to lance-shaped, sharply saw-edged, few if any
furnished with footstems, lifts a large, compound, and gracefully
curved panicle, whose florets are seated on one side of its
spreading branches. Sometimes the stem branches at the summit.
One usually finds it blooming in dry soil from July to November,
throughout a range extending from Newfoundland and Ontario to the
Gulf States.
Usually the ELM-LEAVED GOLDENROD (S. ulmifolia) sends up several
slender, narrow spires of deep yellow bloom from about the same
point at the summit of the smooth stem, like long, tapering
fingers. Small, oblong, entire leaves are seated on these
elongated sprays, while below the inflorescence the large leaves
taper to a sharp point, and are coarsely and sharply toothed. In
woods and copses from Maine and Minnesota to Georgia and Texas
this common goldenrod blooms from July to September.
The unusually beautiful, spreading, recurved, branching panicle
of bloom borne by the EARLY, PLUME, or SHARP-TOOTHED GOLDENROD or
YELLOW-TOP (S. juncea), so often dried for winter decoration, may
wave four feet high, but usually not over two, at the summit of a
smooth, rigid stem. Toward the top, narrow, elliptical, uncut
leaves are seated on the stalk; below, much larger leaves, their
sharp teeth slanting forward, taper into a broad petiole, whose
edges may be cut like fringe. In dry, rocky soil this is,
perhaps, the first and last goldenrod to bloom, having been found
as early as June, and sometimes lasting into November. Range,
from North Carolina and Missouri very far north.
West of the Mississippi how beautiful are the dry prairies in
autumn with the MISSOURI GOLDENROD (S. Missouriensis), its short,
broad, spreading panicle waving at the summit of a smooth,
slender stem from two to five feet tall. Its firm, rather thick
leaves are lance-shaped, triple-nerved, entire, very
rough-margined, or perhaps the lowest ones with a few scattered
Perhaps the commonest of all the lovely clan east of the
Mississippi, or throughout a range extending from Arizona and
Florida northward to British Columbia and New Brunswick, is the
CANADA GOLDENROD or YELLOW-WEED (S. Canadensis). Surely everyone
must be familiar with the large, spreading, dense-flowered
panicle, with recurved sprays, that crowns a rough, hairy stem
sometimes eight feet tall, or again only two feet. Its
lance-shaped, acutely pointed, triple-nerved leaves are rough,
and the lower ones saw-edged. From August to November one cannot
fail to find it blooming in dry soil.
Most brilliantly colored of its tribe is the low-growing GRAY or
FIELD GOLDENROD or DYER'S WEED (S. nemoralis). The rich, deep
yellow of its little spreading, recurved, and usually one-sided
panicles is admirably set off by the ashy gray, or often cottony,
stem, and the hoary, grayish-green leaves in the open, sterile
places where they arise from July to November. Quebec and the
Northwest Territory to the Gulf States.
No longer classed as a true Solidago, but the type of a distinct
graminifolia; formerly S. lanceolata) lifts its flat-topped,
tansy-like, fragrant clusters of flower-heads from two to four
feet above moist ground. From July to September it transforms
whole riverbanks, low fields, and roadsides into a veritable El
Dorado. Its numerous leaves are very narrow, lance-shaped, triple
or five nerved, uncut, sometimes with a few resinous dots. Range,
from New Brunswick to the Gulf, and westward to Nebraska.
"Along the roadside, like the flowers of gold
That tawny Incas for their gardens wrought,
Heavy with sunshine droops the goldenrod."
Bewildered by the multitude of species, and wondering at the
enormous number of representatives of many of them, we cannot but
inquire into the cause of such triumphal conquest of a continent
by a single genus. Much is explained simply in the statement that
goldenrods belong to the vast order of Compositae, flowers in
reality made up sometimes of hundreds of minute florets united
into a far-advanced socialistic community having for its motto,
"In union there is strength." (See Daisy) In the first place,
such an association of florets makes a far more conspicuous
advertisement than a single flower, one that can be seen by
insects at a great distance; for most of the composite plants
live in large colonies, each plant, as well as each floret,
helping the others in attracting their benefactors' attention.
The facility with which insects are enabled to collect both
pollen and nectar makes the goldenrods exceedingly popular
restaurants. Finally, the visits of.insects are more likely to
prove effectual, because any one that alights must touch several
or many florets, and cross-pollinate them simply by crawling over
a head. The disk florets mostly contain both stamens and pistil,
while the ray florets in one series are all male. Immense numbers
of wasps, hornets, bees, flies, beetles, and "bugs" feast without
effort here indeed, the budding entomologist might form a large
collection of Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera
from among the. visitors to a single field of goldenrod alone.
Usually to be discovered among the throng are the velvety black
Lytta or Cantharis, that impostor wasp-beetle, the black and
yellow wavy-banded, red-legged locust-tree borer, and the painted
Clytus, banded with yellow and sable, squeaking contentedly as he
gnaws the florets that feed him.
Where the slender, brown, plume-tipped wands etch their charming
outline above the snow-covered fields, how the sparrows, finches,
buntings, and juncos love to congregate, of course helping to
scatter the seeds to the wind while satisfying their hunger on
the swaying, down-curved stalks. Now that the leaves are gone,
some of the goldenrod stems are seen to bulge as if a tiny ball
were concealed under the bark. In spring a little winged tenant,
a fly, will emerge from the gall that has been his cradle all
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