(Potentilla Canadensis) Rose family
Flowers - Yellow, 1/4 to 1/2 in. across, growing singly on long
peduncles from the leaf axils. Five petals longer than the 5
acute calyx lobes with 5 linear bracts between them; about 20
stamens; pistils numerous, forming a
head. Stem: Spreading over
ground by slender runners or ascending. Leaves: 5-fingered, the
digitate, saw-edged leaflets (rarely 3 or 4) spreading from a
common point, petioled; some in a tuft at base.
Preferred Habitat - Dry fields, roadsides, hills, banks.
Flowering Season - April-August.
Distribution - Quebec to Georgia, and westward beyond the
Everyone crossing dry fields in the eastern United States and
Canada at least must have trod on a carpet of cinquefoil (cinque
= five, feuilles = leaves), and have noticed the bright little
blossoms among the pretty foliage, possibly mistaking the plant
for its cousin, the trefoliate barren strawberry (q.v.). Both
have flowers like miniature wild yellow roses. During the Middle
Ages, when misdirected zeal credited almost any plant with
healing virtues for every ill that flesh is heir to, the
cinquefoils were considered most potent remedies, hence their
generic name.
The SHRUBBY CINQUEFOIL, or PRAIRIE WEED (P. fructicosa), becomes
fairly troublesome in certain parts of its range, which extends
from Greenland to Alaska, and southward to New Jersey, Arizona,
and California; as well as over northern Europe and Asia. It is a
bushy, much branched, and leafy shrub, six inches to four feet
high), with bright yellow, five-parted flowers an inch across,
more or less, either solitary or in cymes at the tips of the
branches. They appear from June to September. The honeybee,
alighting in the center of a blossom and turning around, passes
its tongue over the entire nectar-bearing ring at the base of the
stamens, then proceeding to another flower to do likewise,
effects cross-fertilization regularly. On a sunny day the bright
blossoms attract many visitors of the lower grade out after
nectar and pollen, the beetles often devouring the anthers in
their greed. The leaves on this cinquefoil are usually compounded
of one terminal and four side leaflets that are narrowly oblong,
an inch or less in length, and silky hairy. Sometimes there may
be seven leaflets pinnately, not digitately, arranged. Although
the shrubby cinquefoil prefers swamps and moist, rocky places to
dwell in, it wisely adapts itself, as globe-trotters should, to
whatever conditions it meets.
SILVERY or HOARY CINQUEFOIL (P. argentea), found in dry soil,
blooming from May to September from Canada to Delaware, Indiana,
Kansas, and Dakota, also in Europe and Asia, has yellow flowers
only about a quarter of an inch across, but foliage of special
beauty. From the tufted, branching, ascending stems, four to
twelve inches long, the finely cleft, five-foliate leaves are
spread on foot stems that diminish in size as they ascend, not to
let the upper leaves shut off the light from the lower ones.
These leaves are smooth and green above, silvery on the under
side, with fine white hairs, adapted for protection from
excessive sunlight and too rapid transpiration of precious
moisture. They entirely conceal the sensitive epidermis from
which they grow.
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