(Brassica nigra) Mustard family
Flowers - Bright yellow, fading pale, 1/4 to 1/2 in. across,
4-parted, in elongated racemes; quickly followed by narrow
upright 4-sided pods about 1/2 in. long appressed against the
stem. Stem: Erect, 2 to 7 ft. tall, branching. Leaves:
lobed and divided, finely toothed, the terminal lobe larger than
the 2 to 4 side ones.
Preferred Habitat - Roadsides, fields, neglected gardens.
Flowering Season - June-November.
Distribution - Common throughout our area; naturalized from
Europe and Asia.
"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed,
which a man took and sowed in his field which indeed is less than
all seeds but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and
becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in
the branches thereof."
Commentators differ as to which is the mustard of the parable -
this common black mustard, or a rarer shrub-like tree (Salvadora
Persica), with an equivalent Arabic name, a pungent odor, and a
very small seed. Inasmuch as the mustard which is systematically
planted for fodder by Old World farmers grows with the greatest
luxuriance in Palestine, and the comparison between the size of
its seed and the plant's great height was already proverbial in
the East when Jesus used it, evidence strongly favors this
wayside weed. Indeed, the late Dr. Royle, who endeavored to prove
that it was the shrub that was referred to, finally found that it
does not grow in Galilee.
Now, there are two species which furnish the most powerfully
pungent condiment known to commerce; but the tiny dark brown
seeds of the black mustard are sharper than the serpent's tooth,
whereas the pale brown seeds of the WHITE MUSTARD, often mixed
with them, are far more mild. The latter (Sinapis alba) is a
similar, but more hairy, plant, with slightly larger yellow
flowers. Its pods are constricted like a necklace between the
The coarse HEDGE MUSTARD (Sisymbrium officinale), with rigid,
spreading branches, and spikes of tiny pale yellow flowers,
quickly followed by awl-shaped pods that are closely appressed to
the stem, abounds in waste places throughout our area. It blooms
from May to November, like the next species.
Another common and most troublesome weed from Europe is the FIELD
or CORN MUSTARD, CHARLOCK or FIELD KALE (Brassica arvensis;
Sinapis arvensis of Gray) found in grain fields, gardens, rich
waste lands, and rubbish heaps. The alternate leaves, which stand
boldly out from the stem, are oval, coarsely saw-toothed, or the
lower ones more irregular, and lobed at their bases, all rough to
the touch, and conspicuously veined. The four-parted yellow
flowers, measuring half an inch or more across, have six stamens
(like the other members of this cross-bearing family), containing
nectar at their bases. Two of them are shorter than the other
four. Honey-bees, ever abundant, the brilliant Syrphidae flies
which love yellow, and other small visitors after pollen and
nectar, to obtain the latter insert their tongues between the
stamens, and usually cross-fertilize the flowers. In stormy
weather, when few insects fly, the anthers finally turn their
pollen-covered tips upward; then, by a curvature of the tip of
the stamens, they are brought in contact with the flower's own
stigma; for it is obviously better that even self-fertilized seed
should be set than none at all. (See Ladies'-smock.) "The birds
of the air" may not lodge in the charlock's few and feeble
branches; nevertheless they come seeking the mild seeds in the
strongly nerved, smooth pods that spread in a loose raceme.
Domestic pigeons eat the seeds greedily.
The highly intelligent honey-bee, which usually confines itself
to one species of plant on its flights, apparently does not know
the difference between the field mustard and the WILD RADISH, or
JOINTED or WHITE CHARLOCK (Raphanus Raphanistrum); or, knowing
it, does not care to make distinctions, for it may be seen
visiting these similar flowers indiscriminately. At first the
blossoms of the radish are yellow, but they quickly fade to
white, and their purplish veins become more conspicuous. Rarely
the flowers are all purplish. The entire plant is rough to the
touch; the leaves, similar to those of the garden radish, are
deeply cleft (lyrate-pinnatifid); the seed pods, which soon
follow the flowers up the spike, are nearly cylindric when fresh,
but become constricted between the seeds, as they dry, until each
little pod looks like a section of a bead necklace.
The GARDEN RADISH of the market (R. sativus), occasionally
escaped from cultivation, although credited to China, is entirely
unknown in its native state. "It has long been held in high
esteem," wrote Peter Henderson, "and before the Christian era a
volume was written on this plant alone. The ancient Greeks, in
offering their oblations to Apollo, presented turnips in lead,
beets in silver, and radishes in vessels of beaten gold." Pliny
describes a radish eaten in Rome as being so transparent one
might see through the root. It was not until the sixteenth
century that the plant was introduced into England. Gerarde
mentions cultivating four varieties for Queen Elizabeth in Lord
Burleigh's garden.
WINTER- or ROCKET-CRESS (Barbarca Barbarea; B. vulgaris of Gray)
sends up spikes of little flowers like a yellow sweet alyssum as
early as April, and continues in bloom through June. Smooth pods
about one inch long quickly follow. The thickish, shining, tufted
leaves, very like the familiar WATER-CRESS (Roripa Nasturtium),
were formerly even more commonly eaten as a salad. In rich but
dry soil the plant flourishes from Virginia far northward,
locally in the interior of the United States and on the Pacific
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